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Everything posted by RandomHero83

  1. Yeah man. I went the back way home (morayfield) roads are less used and abused.
  2. I'll lay claim to that panda, I pulled over at woodford to look at the tank, was about to leave and saw you followed by mr plod decided to wait for a bit.
  3. Yeah man black bonnet and boot.
  4. Where in the south burnett are you? If you are in Kingaroy I could Prob organize to look at it first.
  5. I get out there every few weekends, you might spot my panda R32 GTs-t and my mates black 33.
  6. I was with NRMA when I brought my R-33 GTS-t I had it 8 months till some dirty bastard in an XF wagon rear ended me at a set of lights, I paid $7500 for my 33 and NRMA put $10,000 in my hand 3 days after the crash ( bent passenger chassis rail ) as that was current market value and I had it modded with the usual bits of kit Front mount, exhaust, etc NRMA are not too bad but make sure your getting the best coverage you can for your ride. I am with Just Car for my R-32 as NRMA wanted to cover it for 5k instead of the 10.8k JC will cover it for.
  7. It can be done that way, you will need to find out the correct voltage for it (EG: the 300zx tps is set to 0.45v at 0%) the easiest way to do it is to find the correct voltage for closed throttle and then get a multi metre in there and set it to it. If you have someone with either a consult cable or an ecutalk lcd display this can be done easily (5 mins)
  8. It won't just auto adjust. similar mods or not it will need to be tuned to your car. Something as simple as different spark plugs or a different level of spark from the coil packs can make a difference, this combined with a difference of air flow and exhaust it all add's up and before long similar turns into a totally different tune being needed. Take the time to do some research on who offers the best tune for the ECU you have and spend the cash on doing it properly or you'll regret it down the road. Do I get bonus points for saying different a million times?
  9. we'll she's leaking now and it's slow when the radiator cap is on but quicker when the cap is off. car hasn't been driven since 3:30pm and that was for 3 mins.
  10. not much to see tbh i'll try and throw a pic up tomorrow but shes gradually getting a steady puddle on the passenger side of the engine below the turbo.
  11. After getting a good quallity torch and taking a look it appears that it is the passenger side of the engine that has the leak. is this consistant with the turbo water lines and if so how much work is involved in replacing them?
  12. I have just topped her up and taken a look at it. it appears that there is either a leak under the plenum or from the bottom of the water pump. is this a common problem after changing coolant.
  13. Hi guy's I picked up an r32 gts-t and it had some dirty old coolant in it. First month i had it the same coolant was left in it and it stayed at the same level. Now i have flushed the system and replaced it with fresh coolant and every couple of days the coolant level in the radiator has gone down and There is no signs of leaking. I have a white sheet under the car to detect leaks. The head gasket is not blown (no milky oil) so it has me stumped. what else could chew coolant or is the coolant I have (repco branded coolant) the problem.
  14. Job's done. Took a few hours to do it. would of been easier with a second set of hands, only cut myself once so thats a plus. Now she sticks to the road like glue.
  15. If they are loose then yea i'd say they are rooted. Best off getting another set be it some new ones (splitfire, Yellow jackets) or some 2nd hand ones depending on your cashflow. if this has been happening for a while or you just got the car i'd suggest changing the plugs too. Sometimes u will find some clown has left some ancient plugs in it. If this fails to fix it it's time to go talk to someone about testing the igniter it may have a loose / damaged cable and beyond that there is a large bunch of stuff it can be (mostly minor) but time consuming.
  16. Hi Guys, I just brought some new Gabriel ultra shockies and I am looking to fit them this weekend. any hint's / tips for doing this. I'd say I'm pretty savvy with most things related to my cars, But I have never changed the suspension in one of my vehicles before, I have watched a few how to's and such but from a skyline PoV are there any things i need to be aware of?. Cheers in advance.
  17. I have coil packs $80 northside of brisbane
  18. Try NRMA I had my skyline insured with them and they look after the customer. under 25 years old and i was paying 118 a month for it and they would only do market value on it.
  19. I don't know why but yeah NRMA not only insured her but have had the best service i have ever seen in regards to an insurance company. they have had the whole thing sorted in 1 week. (RACQ took 8 weeks for my missuses lancer) and kept me in the loop the whole time. I am now purchasing a 300zx in imaculate condition. so sorry lads i'll be crusing in another branch of the nissan family nowdays. I guess i'll have to jump ship to the 300zx forums now. what can i say it's been an experiance to own and drive a skyline they really are a must own car, I think i mentioned it earlier but i'll say it again thanks to all the people here who helped me with my queries and for the support through the loss of my baby. take it easy guys, may the asphalt beneath your tyres always be smooth and the roads ever winding. RandomHero.
  20. It's official she's a write off. The assesor from NRMA sounded genuinly upset by the announcement so I am happy to see that even in the insurance companies there are line lovers. waiting on the final figure for the payout atm.
  21. Not a bad idea. I heard from the insurance company. they are trying to work out if they are gonna fix it, they are trying to quote up costs atm to see if she can be repaired. I am trying to work out how much repir will cost and how much the wreck is worth. does anyone know how much a respray alone is worth? let alonehow much a wreck is worth? trying to do some calculations myself to see what it'd cost to see if it is repirable.
  22. Well it was a good run, Yesterday at 10:00am I was rear ended at a set of lights outside the kedron park hotel as I gave way to an ambulance. an old man in a bloody XF wagon wasn't paying attention and caved the arse of my R33 GTS-T in on it'self. ambos saw the whole thing and I am waiting for my insurer to tell me what the go is but so far from what I was told on the scene and by mechanics she's a write off. as some of you may know i have been trying to kit her out for some time now and She was just starting to run the way I wanted her to. I could get 600k's out of a tank if i drover her conservatively or 300k's if i thrashed it. If this is the end of my line (no pun intended ) then i think i will purchase either a soarer or a sil this time round. so thanks for the quallity community and the advice from those who helped me out. (you know who you are) I'll update as i know the final verdict.
  23. +1 for idiots crashing at 90km/h. no seriously they need to do license tests in 3 stages 1. day driving 2. night driving and 3. wetweather driving / hazzard course. they should all be tested on that as it is all part of day to day road conditions. or the good old bomb in a paddock is a fine way to learn how to control a car that is sideways and learn a health respect for your limitations and skill level.
  24. I'd like to point something out that seems to have gone unnoticed. WTF is with the little dickweed calling a senior forum member a dickhead and getting away with it. So lets just get to the god damn point. Tyson put 98 god damn ron in your NA skyline. For f**ks sake while your at it take a couple of teaspoons of cement and harden the f**k up (note i said cement not semen). Ok glad thats all sorted. Dude being a dick to senior members is a surefire way to find yourself discluded from group activities. I am sure deep down your a decent kid so show the lads some respect and in time you might just earn some.
  25. Bahahahahahahahahahaha. that there is a good statement. Killing me softly with low ron killing me softly..... seriously tho, you want your car to run right get the manual read it and give it what it needs. lets see how to put this.... ah yes, giving a car that has an engine designed for higher octane fuel low octane fuel is like giving a decent chick a go with half an inch of C*$k yeah it might do the job for ya but the performance and entusiamsam is not gonna be there now is it....
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