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Everything posted by SLY-25T

  1. quick question, im gettin a new clutch installed as we speak and its a clutch sourced by my mechanic. sadly couldnt get the Jim Berry as i dont have enough time to do so. now my mechanic has explained that the new clutch is built by the company that originally made the Nissan clutches :s cant remember the name but its a centrivical (spelling) race spec clutch. he said something about a weighting system that pulls the clutch tighter as the RPM increases. unsure if thats wat centrivical is but it sounds good. ill post up the name and results when i get the car back. but until then, has anyone heard of this type of clutch?
  2. i read somwhere that the easiest way is to actually put the light in the oven :s it softens the bonding stuff easier but i guess the better way would be using a heat gun to soften it up. i really need to do mine. cleaned the outside and it helped but theres dirt n shit inside them from moisture.
  3. yeah its not scratches or anythin. its like a foam or somethin. i used wax and grease remover. takes some time and effort if its been there for a while. let the W&G remover soak into the foam and pick it off with something plastic.
  4. looks nice and smooth! pretty sure they are type M skirts.
  5. nice work! looks good.
  6. now for the break up... the dump pipe is what comes off the wastegate and turbo. this can be bought either in a bell mouth: split dump: the 2 above are a dump/front combined. front pipe: short dump: and the cat: and after that is your choice of a cannon or you can get wat u prefer, a muffler with a twin tip. another muffler of some sort in that system could make it a quiet 3" system. hope that helps
  7. the easiest thing i can think of would be to fit the bar and take it straight to ur exhaust shop so they can modify the way the tip sits to move it far enough away from the bar. but make sure its sticking out of the back far enough or u will get the dirty carbon marks up the rear bar.
  8. the wing still for sale? how much for delivered to 2170?
  9. ive got a GREDDY one thats done the same thing. genuine GREDDY GREX one. http://www.sp-power.com/catalog/images/KNO...UE%20GREDDY.jpg this one^^ was black chrome but black is wearin off and jus chrome showin now. only had it for a few months. first some like thin plastic rubbed off then the black. still looks good.
  10. not a big fan of the whole "street racing" part that u wrote but anyway... ive heard that dropping in a 6 out of a FTO aint TOO much trouble. now too is uppercase cause there would still be some fabrication but would be a nice power upgrade and cheap. a couple grand from a wrecker for the engine but installation would be the worst.
  11. as the sayin goes, you get wat you paid for. a couple people on here have got the just jap stealth cooler for i think $550 and have given mixed responses. some say its good, some say the quality is poor but it still does the job. instead of getting a cheaper one and having hassels, as mentioned, the ARC "stealth" style is a great cooler but with a LARGE price tag. think around $1600? there are others such as the GREDDY one. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Gr...le-t231160.html this does mean cutting a hole on the driver side front section of the engine bay. go quality not cheap ones IMO
  12. decat is a bit louder i think. and gives u flames lol but its illegal on the road. if a cop figures it out expect a rather large fist with no lube gettin rammed up ur ass.
  13. Bakes has a good one aswell R34GTR
  14. turning into a best number plates thread lol best ive seen is IH8MYX or EXCON
  15. looks fantastic m8! nice choice.
  16. congrats on a good job m8. well done
  17. interested! but will need 2 find money first!
  18. i asked the same thing wen i was new on here, looking for cheap mods. the replies i got were along the lines of, the monsta dumps are shit. they sometimes dont match up and are poorly made. i was refered to get a GKTECH one instead and i will be getting this wen i get the cash (http://www.gktech.com.au/products/?ID=143) bellmouth is better for an aftermarket turbo setup from wat ive heard the split front/dump is better for the stock turbo. hope that helps
  19. had them on mine wen i first got it. they were all cracked and dalling apart and they were the first things to come off but wen u pull them off theres some uuuuuuuugly double sided foam shit that stays on the lining around the window. alot of work to get it all off. use Wax and Grease Remover, soak it into the stuff, use a plastic scraper and work work work. lol mine still looks bad. but it looks better than having the pissy lil weather shields on.
  20. very nice!!! cant wait to see some results! good luck with it. hope it gives you the extras you want
  21. hey alex did you end up doing the inside of the headlights yet? wanna do mine but am pretty iffy about it. lol
  22. looks smick palmer!
  23. i remember seein some for sale a lil while ago in the private parts section. they werent that colour but u could paint em
  24. http://www.xxxbodykits.com.au/r33gtrjpegS.JPG top secret. looks similar to gtr love the look of that do luck one too
  25. hey again Tom just to clarify. where did you see the ARC version of this for only $100 more? cause the only one ive found is off Nengun and its $1500. click HERE to see. and could you post some pics of the cooler? like pics of the things your not happy with?
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