righto, so i got my stag serviced yesterday (as per warranty requirements) and had the shop do a proper inspection on it - i'm not sure the last one did. so i've got a fair old list of things to fix now. or an excuse to upgrade, i'm not sure yet. there are a few items on the list that might as well have been printed in small dollar signs like oils leaks around rocker cover, steering rack, diff housing, and aircon pump. but its the seized turbo wastegate that has me a little confused.
i have noticed that my stag is more sluggish than normal but i think it was more of a gradual decline, so now that it's been brought to my attention its really annoying me. so basically i get how a forced induction system works and the role of the wastegate in that, and how if its stuck open, the pressure will keep bleeding out. But having never actually seen one, is this a repairable item? also, seems a little odd for it to seize, would it be more likely for the solenoid to be buggered instead? the reason i ask, is that i presume the solenoid can be replaced and would rather replace that than start out having extensive work done if i dont need it at the moment.