Sorry guys been late night shopping.
I will try and get together a photo of myself, give me a couple of weeks for photo chopping LOL! and it should be ready. nah, i will c what i can do.
hey Mel, what Skyline you after?
Oh, im already corrupt. Just let me settle in a bit.
maybe i have shared too much already in previous posts?....
Nah all is cool. U guys dont scare me a bit.
Look, maybe me and mel just got off on the wrong foot. Im all for girls and their hot rides.
Girls should have their say as much as the guys.
Look forward to meeting ya.
Thanks, i love the tiger too. Hurt like a mutha f..ker. But its all worth it in the end, pain or no pain. I think thats why im sticking to my arm for now, doesnt hurt there. I also have two birds on my lower back but no appropriate pics to share!
I will see if i can find any pics and post them soon.
Im going in for more work on my half sleeve. Im hanging out.
They say once you get a tattoo, you cant just stop at one. Me thinks they r right.
Nah, not working. My man has my car, damn excel piece of crap that he has. Actually havent really been in the city. The place i have frequented most is Freo to get my tattoos done.
But would love to meet some of you.