hey guys, following a succesful fishing session this early early morning, i thought it would be great if we can get some more people in on the action.
date- 27/2/2011
Meet Location - basically we will meet in the carpark behind the queen victoria market carpark on FRANKLIN STREET
LINK- http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Franklin+St&daddr=-37.80917,144.95617+to:-37.8092,144.95655+to:-37.811201,144.956258+to:-37.82859,144.9586+to:Kerferd+Road,+Albert+Park,+Victoria&hl=en&geocode=Ff0Tv_0db9qjCA%3BFe4Tv_0dCtujCClVHSbnNV3WajEAjPLrdFYEEw%3BFdATv_0dhtyjCCl_KCPoNV3WajHAjvLrdFYEEw%3BFf8Lv_0dYtujCCm5FbUbSl3WajFAkQXtdFYEEw%3BFRLIvv0diOSjCCnfMBIKVV3WajHwQwztdFYEEw%3BFeyEvv0dzdejCCnjYpAx52fWajGxSWHFBEIXJQ&mra=dpe&mrsp=4&sz=16&via=1,2,3,4&sll=-37.846545,144.954472&sspn=0.007693,0.027466&ie=UTF8&ll=-37.849358,144.951902&spn=0.001923,0.006866&t=h&z=18
after we meet up and talk a bit of shit about who will catch the biggest fish etc etc, we will drive down to KERFERD ROAD and continue all the way to the end of it, towards the ocean, there is parking on the side of the road as well as space for 4 cars infront of the pier..
Meet Time -we will meet at 3:45AM and get moving at 4am
Destination - Kerferd Road Pier.
Extra Info - dont forget to bring chairs, BAIT, and an extra hoody in case the wind picks up a little, oh and bring some munchies and drinks because you would not want to leave to get some snacks when each rod is going off every 2 mins like today!
hope to see some peeps there
any questions give me a buzz- 0411-421-ZERO NINE SEVEN