lmao. i wish i could get something on a 100 budget then we would all be rolling in GTRs n shit
niroj- its gona be a slow as f**k na, dont give a shit about auto or manual lol
had an incident at school where i felt i was racially picked on by a teacher...
as some would know, its eid, our version of christmas or easter, so i had some shit due and i decide to go in for an hour n submit it.
studio teacher accepts the work, i explain i cant be in class after lunch coz i have to go and see some family etc, so he goes no you cant, i go
its my holiday sir..
teacher: HAH no it isnt!
me: are you serious? ill talk to you later.
so im fkn pissed, rock up at lunch n print out the work and give it to him. he sits up and goes your still not going nowhere (i cant do shit coz im on a contract) so i go, "Gorman, how would you feel if i denied you from being with your family on christmas day?"
he gets cut and says thats an innapropriate example and that my own religion and culture is no excuse for missing out on class.
i ended up walking out but yeah, what can i do? i feel like my culture/ beliefs are invalid in school (even though every other teacher has no problem with us not being there)
sorry for the essay lol