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Everything posted by Mohsen

  1. pftttt dude, my mates cousins friends uncles mates pet hobos monkeys cousins dad can get these for like 10k.. joking seen this car in HPI and around a few times, looks immaculate, new buyer will be very lucky!
  2. as long as you dont do the whole dash and shit, its okay on another note cann kebabs on mahoneys road (thomastown?) awesome kebabs
  3. that would be a top secret bar
  4. the car didnt look too bad in pics, went and saw it had the dodgiest filler job known to man, got under it and everything was suspiciously clean, and the filler side suspension looked new left it at that and walked away
  5. yep, im going with the old bloke and a mechanic..
  6. hmmmm, thing is, i want a black car because almost anything goes with black.. and if its just panel damage, and a small patch. i can live with it for a bit till i get it fixed properly
  7. kill them, kill them all anyways guys, im interested in a black S1 R33 GTS a mate refered me to an add, so i call and the seller says its had a major service, blowing no smoke, not burning oil mechanically perfect only thing is, its got some filler in the back left guard.. should i give it a miss? the seller DID just be honest with it and tell me so.... need some experienced input here (and shans flaming lol)
  8. there is only one solution
  9. ahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha best call ever
  10. lemans inspired, is it not?
  11. to compromise the strength duhhhhhh
  12. FFS! have work that day
  13. WHAT!? f**k me! you really know how to make a cliff hanger!
  14. wait, what!? people actually get offended when you say merry christmas etc now? in australia? a christian country? if anyone gets offended by that, be it jew, muslim, hindu, etc etc. they deserve a punch to the face. i wouldnt go to a muslim school because i just wouldnt fit in. but i seriously think the teacher had no right to talk to me in the manner that he did, provided it goes for 3 days and i came to school for the first 2 days and did the extra work so i wont fall behind..
  15. we actually take days off in in Syria on Good friday, christmas weekend etc etc not all arab countries are tight ass extremist flamin mongrels lol *starts posting 11ty billion pics of syria- barbs style*
  16. is it coz they would steal them?.................and everything else
  17. how the f**k does 1.5 litres of whiskey, a bottle of alize and 3 slabs of beer disapear? :S
  18. its 80% now, im at 95.7% what a night...
  19. lol f**k that! basti- think ill do that
  20. leigh- HMMMMMMM jezza- i know hey, the wanker thinks he has every right to make me do what he wants since the co-ordinators keeping an eye on me (1 more stuff up and im out) but hey. 1 week to go
  21. second time you've left these here dude, come and pick them up, i cant put them all away
  22. lmao. i wish i could get something on a 100 budget then we would all be rolling in GTRs n shit niroj- its gona be a slow as f**k na, dont give a shit about auto or manual lol also- had an incident at school where i felt i was racially picked on by a teacher... as some would know, its eid, our version of christmas or easter, so i had some shit due and i decide to go in for an hour n submit it. studio teacher accepts the work, i explain i cant be in class after lunch coz i have to go and see some family etc, so he goes no you cant, i go its my holiday sir.. teacher: HAH no it isnt! me: are you serious? ill talk to you later. so im fkn pissed, rock up at lunch n print out the work and give it to him. he sits up and goes your still not going nowhere (i cant do shit coz im on a contract) so i go, "Gorman, how would you feel if i denied you from being with your family on christmas day?" he gets cut and says thats an innapropriate example and that my own religion and culture is no excuse for missing out on class. i ended up walking out but yeah, what can i do? i feel like my culture/ beliefs are invalid in school (even though every other teacher has no problem with us not being there) sorry for the essay lol
  23. R33 gts4 coupe in perth silver 180k series 2 auto hmmm...
  24. ouffttt... well played no thanks Happy bday charlie my bday get together tomorrow beer, pizza, cake and cigars. yeahhh
  25. suck my dick kris- f**k yeah man. my imaginary garage is f**king huge
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