hey bro, dont worry about the others, their all haytrz
i did this with my car, my misususs car and my dads car, its really easy
all you needa do is drive up to the GOR yeah, you know where that place is? because everyone knows where that place is. even americans, and their not even from australia. no joke, swear to god, wallah.
go to sexy land (i prefer club X, customer service is great) and buy 2 blow up dolls. stuff them in the car and leave it parked on the side for a few weeks. come back after a month and sit there and stare the f**k at it for a few hours.
after staring at it, rub it, gently, smoothly, carefully (this is the last time your gona look at it in a good way so touch the f**k out of that shit)
push it off the cliff. PROFIT
your insurance company will release the funds in 4 business days, 5 if tim isnt working( coz tims a f**k head, everybody knows that)
good luck bro
edit: also, from past experience, i found that running in the middle of the road( right after a bend) screaming will drastically increase your chances of the "double or nothing" insurance car. (i got it when i pushed my car off the cliff, but i realised i forgot my blow up doll in the boot so i ran down and got it)