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Everything posted by Mohsen

  1. oh fair enough then. pics when its done
  2. dont know why, but im sensing a troll
  3. maybe do the body work after you get the wheels. jusssstttt incase, so you dont have to do the same job twice
  4. yep, how did you figure it out?
  5. because 5 years of helping out the old man on saturdays while my mates went out and had fun is becoming very very annoying. so cutting back hours, slowly going to phase out working on sarurdays. gives us more time to do our own shit
  6. LOL shit stirrer well im still young but been helping the folks since i was 13.. im talking, never going out to parties etc hard works paid off, i bought a boat, so i can be on a f**king boat, bought my own plasma and all the other shit only thing missing is a car with a set of hotplates
  7. i feel like a kebab.. mmm
  8. change of hours on saturdays 8-12 instead of 8-3 f**k. yeah, one step closer to being able to close for the weekend
  9. haha i did this and im on my L's, shat a brick or two but it teaches you to becarful in the wet
  10. so does anybody get the munchies after a night of drinking instead of the headache etc? i always wake up hungry as f**k with no head ache so i walk into maccas and get a double cheese burger and a mc chicken put the mc chicken in between the cheese burger patties = win. try it kunts if that happens everyone from broady would be walking
  11. lol what are you doing down this way!? you wasteland whore you
  12. so that cardboard thing i put all my stuff in when i moved from perth to here wasnt a box? what the f**k, i've been living my life a lie
  13. lol rightio.. i clicked vic wast... scroll down and see a box and think wtf.. then i see your reply haha whats up with the box?
  14. lol thanks bro. Hamish i see you lurking, you gona be there too or nah
  15. haha keir wilson is a troll!
  16. ahh fair enough (damn, lift possibilities are gone! ) how do you get to the show grounds with public transport?
  17. when i rode with jamie, the GTR's driveline was noisy as f**k! i read thats normal, really makes it feel like the cars got its own soul though on another note, nick you going autosalon?
  18. well i do know her really well.. since like year 7 damn.. shattered
  19. yeah.. i know her quite well yeah.. the secret river, i threw it really hard too
  20. nah, im with alex on this one pics for a pics thread. wasteland for shit talk i threw a book at a girl and got her in the groin today.. she was in pain
  21. i heard his wheel poke can get bishes preggers
  22. i actually do...
  23. kill people for money jus sayin edit: alex, yeah your car would get beached on the humps my schools just down the road from there lol.. the amount of lebs that would ask you to chuck on chromies if they saw you would be mind boggling
  24. if its the coburg drive ins one, i would advise against taking your car there... the mounds and tilts in the road are unreal
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