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Everything posted by Mohsen

  1. hate being sick
  2. +11111111 their cookies and cream cake, its godly. you love those brown balls dont ya. on a serious note whats in it?
  3. thats on my "to do list when im older" haha theres another private track that was built as an access road somewhere.
  4. want that cook book... http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/8619/2204355.swf lol
  5. because i watched my wife get run over by a whole heap of NA cars. the only one that stopped was skyline
  6. thanks mate but he's after a house. if its got a high carport then thats good( then i can shove our boat under there haha) Pm replied to
  7. come on people. fix that tranny, jack it up and have fun with it rear seats fold down all the way too so great to camp in
  8. thanks ryan. im pretty sure he's exhausted those resources, hence he's asking me to put a post on Sau. Will let him know though cheers
  9. hey guys posting for my uncle. he is after a nice clean house around the northern suburbs (lalor/thommo/millpark/epping etc) about 2-3 bedrooms so if anybody has a home for lease; shoot me an email and i'll forward it onto him. [email protected] thanks in advance
  10. friday night was great all day today was crap had to unload the truck in the pouring rain. i think im sick now
  11. congrats pics? collared button up shirt black jeans wog tappers we all got asked to leave though. turns out for every underage person there, there had to be an 18 year old so we all went to crown and shit
  12. we got "asked to leave" wah wah lounge.. lol
  13. i thought all women were
  14. hahaha kris, why would she message you though? lol nick lemme know if anything needs to be done
  15. want me to exchange some eggy gifts?
  16. goodluck with it man! just sus that car out as if it has auto aids. then get a mechanic to check it out
  17. sighhh rear subframe too wide- car will look mexican
  18. mmmm 1/10 scale MY M495 almostttt finished and ready for painting. now to anotate 25 pages of sketches and yes, it has good fitment
  19. im 18 in 3 months mates bday.
  20. in that case everyone going on friday nights gona be kicked out their all wearing wog tappers, jeans and collared shirts
  21. ehh not gona go anyway. f**k dressing like a northern suburb leb and blowing a shitload of cash.. i needa pay for paint and new rims cars coming up a treat, fitment is pretty exceptional
  22. last time i saw it on ebay, price was a steal fkn lol
  23. he funky didnt driftline have a massive f**kin scarab boat for sale?
  24. also does not come with the spotties unregistered
  25. Wah Wah lounge- any good?
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