your a dicksucking,cock f**king, cum slurping, ass plunging elephant tossing top bloke
nahh your alright haha
ahh so its sold nick!
congrats, how are R32 taxi's like in the way of cop attention? similar to r33's?
yeahh i try not to offend anyone on here.. wouldnt be good
although i do hold a grudge against shan for changing my username to ladytron ages ago...
land mines.... do it
but seriously though.. do what the other people said.. and maybe fill a syringe with sauce and say you have aids next time they confront you
garage it, sell it what ever
buy an NA or try and get an exemption for an R32 GTST sedan
and thats pretty much it
if you still want to drive a GTR, keep a tub of lube in the back so the cops have an easier time invading your rectum
hey theres this club that caters for skylines..
f**k i forgot what it was called but its pretty cool
they have a massive R32 fanboy base as well as other sections.
maybe you could join it since you like R32's so much
i do know how to run
lick my balls
i want something that can be modded.. again, if they dont approve an r32 gtst ill go back to the r33 na plan
he's awesome man... you have shit taste
if this is directed at me; i dont want an NA because i want something i can take to a track and have some fun in..
then again, if they approve it, no pulsating rectum