im syrian.. look lebanese, sound lebanese but NOT LEBANESE!
people say i should ditch skylines and go VL.... never. i would rather have another mans balls in my mouth
good.. must be cheaper then
i got a mate who can weld and i have a sheet metal cutter and bender..
pm me what your looking at and how bad the rust is
and how rude of me! congrats on the aooowwwdiiieeee.. their fkn nice cars (y)
probably a good condition shell with little to no rust. but again. i wont have the funds till febuary.
and thats when both the hiluxes are sold and the garage emptied.
is there enough parts to build her up and use her as a daily"?
drive it?
GTR replica with an L28(when the money permits)
wouldnt mind a sedan.. but would love a coupe
also gona keep the stock engine and other bits so if i wana go back to original i can
omg those f**king assturds!
hope you get a good price for it
is your GTR blue with sydney plates?
spotted 1 near the gyproc plaster place in thomo
are you also bald?