here you go mate.
bit hard to get the pics as they just want to scramble all over you
they are NOT imprinted so they know their little birds, not little humans as some people get all lovey dovey.
so this one can handle being alone if you need to go out.
their cracking seed now and should be ready in a couple of weeks.
your legs make a peeling noise every time you get off the leather seats.
when you go to the beach and your feet sizzle on the sand.
when you fall asleep in the water lying on your back, floating around in the shallow knee height water and wake up in water up to your tummy.....
oh and when your naturally tanned, but you still get phucking burnt!
nah wouldnt of been my dad....
i suspected it was my cousin downloading one to put it on his phone + a shitload of viruses
but yeah.. do any of YOU have 5000 pornos?
reminds me of when i was getting hacked and they kept downloading porn and i had no idea (didnt know much about computers back then)
so mum took it to a computer guy after i got my laptop... so he calls back 3 days later telling my mum to come and take a look at something
5 f**kING THOUSAND PORNOS on my computer....
i copped teh blame but i was like 12... wasnt into teh pornoz back then
just say its snow
when i was younger, my mum bought a chihuaha, i hated that dog SOOOOO much
one day, next doors husky got into our yard...
hey, where the f**k did the chihuaha go?