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  1. LOL @ thread and theories! May visit SAU and read again one day, was worth it this time around!
  2. I havent checked SAU in a few days, so apologies for my late reply. Thanks to everyone for your ongoing support over the last few pages (i had no idea that there were that many followers!), however as i previously mentioned - i'm going to take my search offline. This thread was started to document my search experience, reading through it (and disregarding the last few pages of complete rubbish), we had a good thing going and its safe to say we had a great run - but its time for me to call it quits around here. Apologies that I did not fully inject myself into the last few pages of conversation - but to be blunt, i simply dont have time for pointless keyboard battles. Cheers aswell for the large quantity of PM's which have come through over the last few days. I'd reply to them all individually but it only lets me send one PM every 5 minutes and that means it would literally take hours. LOL! Continue posting (and i encourage you to!), but for me, personally - i'm calling this thread officially 'finished'. All the best with all of your car searches and for the future. Chris.
  3. Idiot LOL! Sorry, but as much as you'd like it - im not going to snap at you, or even try and 'battle' your post - nobodys here for that. Just go off and read my last post again and again and again, then try and clarify your disposition. That is all.
  4. Okay, as per my last post – I was just going to let this all go, but lets clarify a few things here. Bottom line - Matt (GT-R32) is stll just depressed that i didn’t buy his car 3 years ago. It just proves a point that as per this thread, he just doesnt know how / when to let things go and he is the type of character that would just sit at home all day and search the internet for conflict. Even though he PM’d me months ago, and tried to put it all behind us – its obviously something that he is unable to do. He would have had to search through 1000+ posts to try and find the slightest thing that links me to photoshop, and seriously to go to that manner of effort, it kind of freaks me out a lot. Like seriously, thats serial killer stalker type shit at its finiest. 350z was a shared account with a few 'friends' (which by the way - were idiots and i no longer hang out with) and I have already spoken to the mods about it, hence why im actually here now participating. You're not a mod - so stop pretending that you are. Again, bringing up the past and proving that you just cant let things go. I still have to state the fact that all i did was post one an image that was sent to be along with a bucket load of others. For all I know, the seller photoshopped them all and sent them to me before he got them all done professionally. Realistically, I dont care. If he did - he got me, and ive moved on. In the scheme of things, its just one car and its an experience I was and still am ready to disregard and not dwell on. In regards to me and photoshop, I can do small things. Who cant? However just to prove a point heres a few other pics of the same car you advised that I photoshopped rims and clear indicators on. It isnt even my car, it was on another forum up for sale with a blown bottom end. Its the same colour as my old GTR and from memory it was exactly what I wanted my car to look like, apart from it being a bit to high. So yes, I did use photoshop just to simply pull the wheels on it up to make it a bit lower. I can do simple things, blend images, put put wheels on cars - etc, and importantly yes - i can reduce file size so they are postable on forums (in this case - from memory - as always, i did do it, hence the 'edit' you see minutes before the post, however my photoshop training is just one 30 minute session for a general computer course at tafe. SO - being able to edit stuff to the point that it looks 100% real, sorry, but id be the first to admit that im not actually good at it and have no idea how suprasearchin would have even made that image displayed above. Also, im sure if you were starting to fear for your safety (especially in a city you've never been before) and your phone had the functionality, you'd press record too. So if you want to keep trying to make me look stupid in here - feel free, you're actually doing a pretty good job and i hope it makes you feel better about yourself. Keep on truckin you little keyboard warrior! I really dont care if you continue - but you've just made me waste another 10 minutes of my day typing all of this up and im seriously not going to waste anymore. Either way your not going to get the reaction you desire from me, so sorry in advance to disappoint you. A few days time I wont even remember your name, so dont bother apologising to me, but everyone else will still have to read through your rubbish until its cleaned up, so go and apologise to all the other nice people in here that youve destroyed the thread and experience for.
  5. I said i would not say anything more about that particular car, i've wasted enough time on it so im not even going to bother trying to fight anything here. I created this thread to document my experience, not for ongoing accusations. I am more than happy for the mods to publicly post IP addresses of the two users which you believe are also me - and match them with my IP address (Im pretty sure invision boards do automatic IP logging?) and this will confirm that its not me. As for photoshop, f**ked if i would know how to do something like that, i have the software, but i dont have the skills or the knowledge. I'm going to take my search offline now - i think its time this thread is closed as its unfortunately not working out as i originally hoped. There will be no further updates from myself, im going outside to kick a ball or something.
  6. Have seen those two, arent they sexy? But they are a bit pricey unfortunately!
  7. Just stumbled across these ones, all appear to be for sale at dealers in Japan. I promised a few of you guys i'd keep an eye out for a little something like these. Thought i'd post them up in here instead of sending PM's - it only lets me send 1 PM every 5 mins. vspec II nur - http://www.japaneseusedcars.com/auction/st...7700020007.html 2x mspec nur - http://www.japaneseusedcars.com/auction/st...7401550007.html and http://www.japaneseusedcars.com/auction/st...7401550007.html 2x mspec - http://www.japaneseusedcars.com/auction/st...7700020007.html and http://www.japaneseusedcars.com/auction/st...5232040007.html MPIII vspec - http://www.japaneseusedcars.com/auction/st...6760150007.html No Z tunes though sorry Hope this helps!
  8. Thats so nice of you to offer your assistance like that!
  9. Sorry dude, yeah - they were both definately midnight purple 2! One of them has actually gone through auction few times now. Have attached the details! There is also an R grade bayside blue non vspec 34 with just over 100,000 k's going through auction for anyone who is looking for a cheapie. This is all that i can see listed at present.
  10. I have just listened to the recording of our last conversation on my phone again to see if i did actually over react in my initial post. Asking a potential buyer 'do you know how much of my time you have wasted' and stating that they have 'no proof that the car has been resprayed, prove it - get state roads to confirm it', jumping to conclusions, questioning the integrity of my interest and getting all huffy when i said i was also seeing other gtr's in Melbourne, all with an unnecessary raised tone of voice - is not the way to persuade any party into buying your car, especially after almost 7 hours on the move from 4:00am to come and see you, only to find a car which was far from as promised and described. It is bound to result in feedback such as what we see previously posted because yes, from what i've just heard again, our last conversation was full of both immaturity and arrogance - and quite frankly, yes - i still believe you were being a c*nt. However, I trust you have learnt from this experience and will treat your future potential purchers differently if they decide not to go ahead with a purchase. Nothing more needs to or will be said of this topic. Now if you'll allow me to finish this post with the same words as our last phone call - "Im not listening to anymore of this. We're going to call it a day. I'm going to hang up now, thanks anyway for your time and good luck with the sale".
  11. Have seen it in pictures, but havent been lucky enough to see it in the flesh as of yet. Sounds hot! Might have to go for another drive down Parramatta road in the new year
  12. Hey, if you like the TE37 look, have you checked this one out - http://www.carsales.com.au/all-cars/privat...4&silo=1011 Its pretty worked aswell, maybe pretty close to what you're after!? Hope this helps!
  13. Found this one while looking through my phone tonight, havent posted it so thought i would for completeness sake. I went and saw it just before I sold my R33 GTR and missed out on it by around 2 weeks. At the time, i didnt know exactly when my car was going to sell and i didnt want to be stuck with two cars, 2 regos, 2 insurances - etc, and was also shopping around for a house (which i still am, and is just as difficult! anybody have a fat 2 story clarendon around the hills district they want to sell me? seriously!?) so i held off on buying it. I know its a bit different to what im searching for today, but still - back then, when i first started looking - i guess it ticked all my boxes. Its a black vspec II, was literally mint apart from a small bit of paint patch work on the rear drivers side quarter that was already fixed - from memory, the seller advised that it just got a little knock coming off the boat. It was listed at $60,000 and still to date is probably the best R34 GTR i've seen up for sale. The owner was just as much (if not more) of a perfectionist as i am! I've had black cars and silver cars before. I want something a bit more out there this time and thats why i've chosen to finally go with blue. And anybody that knows how fussy I am when it comes to my car would know that me and black cars have in the past - not gone well together, so its probably best that i missed out on this one, no matter how sexy i think black R34 GTR's are. I also like midnight purple, but just not in direct sunlight - it goes a different shade of green thats just not for me - personal preference. Im still exploring whether there is a need to expand the budget and go for a vspec II. It would be nice to have, but in reality - i still think a standard vspec will be more than enough. It all just depends on whats available, price and most importantly - condition. Lets see what happens! Anyway, sorry for the poor quality pics! Anybody know the lucky new owner of this baby?
  14. Yes, lets move on! Back on topic - Yes, It is out of my budget - but still great to admire. haha Im guessing its a non vspec though, no rear diffuser or vspec II sticker, no carbon fibre bonnet - even though its a 2001 model.
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