my girlfriend got the turbo taken off her 25t about 3 years ago for the same reason. took it to a few mechanics and majority of them just laughed and said it was not possible, but obviously they didnt know ****. anyway, a few parts were simply replaced with those necessary off a na engine and a few pipes were blocked.
ran ritch as a bitch while it was off but its back on now with no problems. cost about 800 to take it off and 800 to put it back on - got the work done at hills motorsports in sydney. when shopping for a na, we only went down the path of buying a turbo car because we got the car so cheap that it would be stupid not to do it!
it sucks you've driven it before hand though, cos now you'll know what your missing over the next few years! on the other hand, it will give you time to learn to drive properly before you put yourself unsupervised behind the wheel of what litereally is a weapon. if i had my car when i was on my p's i probably wouldnt be here writing this message.