get your mate to sit in the car, while u get under it near the clutch slave should see a bleed valve, nipple, about a size 8 or 10...see what size spanner fits on to it...
with the clutch fluid reservoir cap off and some fluid near by, get your mate to pump the pedal a few times, then get him to hold it all the way down and undo the bleed valve just half a turn untill air/fluid squirts out... be careful not to get the fluid on your clothes or eyes, and the paint work(i suggest safety goggles and overalls for this, the fluid will fly out everywhere, please do take care!!) can actually get a vacumm hose to fit on the nipple so you can guide the fluid into a jar..
after the the fluid has come out close the valve, and then your mate can let the pedal come up... at this stage also get him to top up the fluid, making sure the fluid never gets too low!!
repeat this process several times, all the air should come out and the system should be bled...