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Everything posted by Jetdat

  1. looks very nice inark....like the other boys i been thinking of getting them also or maybe aftermarket ones... good work mate.
  2. fantastic work Merli.....thanks for the thread.
  3. so how much for the comp?????
  4. it is amazing, while looking for my skyline, how many skylines i looked at were keyed.....and yes mine was also keyed when i bought it, and i got keyed twice during two years of owning it, altough not as bad as yours... what is with people keying skylines???
  5. bump
  6. Jetdat

    EPA Noise Test

    dandy daalder was my noise tester, and yes @4800.... but i like the sound of this st albans joint @3200...
  7. do u have the boot lock??
  8. are the seats SI or sII???
  9. the panel beater, while cut and polishing my car broke my boot lock, and glued it back on thinking i wouldnt notice!! :blast: :goddam: :cuss: so now i cant use my key to get in to the boot, and need a new boot lock. anyone have one for sale or know where i can source one from??
  10. Jetdat

    Rip Ns2500?

    nooooooo not an SII!!!! but i am glad you are ok mate.
  11. efi engines can flood if they are cranked over for a period of time without firing....especially if the engine is cold, as more fuel gets injected during cold cranking. if an engine is flooded, try pressing the accelerator all the way to the floor and crank until it starts....fully open butterfly will let more air in to compensate for the extra fuel and dry the spark plugs... as for the standard battery...its pathetic!!! i just recently got a big battery and the cranking has improved considerably...let me know if you want a recommendation of a battery shop.
  12. wheels still for sale??
  13. what a waste that is
  14. inark if you want a new car, why not the 6 speed S15???? i test drove one b4 i bought the skyline thru the dandenongs....handles great and has enough power....its around the $45 k mark too...... just a thought.
  15. bozz do u have the a pillar plastic cover for the dirvers side???? Cheers
  16. pm sent Redline.
  17. redline, who did the job?? i just hit 100,000 k's on the weekend... did u not change water pump??
  18. primary overseas secondary at Wellington Sec. College Barton TAFE(was Moorabbin back then) Monash Uni Swinburne Uni.
  19. it is better to have lost, than to never have known someone. I am sure you will have many beautiful memories of your mum, which will live in your hearts forever. my condolences to you and your family matey. peace.
  20. i usually get 500+ from a full tank, but recently having reset my comp, i am on 300km at the half way mark....definately improved my fuel consumption.
  21. Black33 you are a champ mate....i hope they will sell just the drivers for a reasonable price.... otherwise i been thinking of going aftermarket... Thanks mate.
  22. Jetdat

    new rims

    very nice r32 matey.
  23. interesting comments so far... i gotto say when i did the reset about 2 weeks ago i didnt notice much difference, but today i made sure i stepped on the brake pedal about 15 times to make sure all power drained...whereas 2 weeks ago i only pressed the brake pedal about 5 times.....
  24. turning the air con is a good idea....i havent turned it on since the reset...
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