dude why not fix it yourself?
just buy replacement panels and then get them ready for priming then hand them over to a auto refinisher and let him worry about the rest.
you'll save about 50% of your cash!!
can anybody take a wild guess how much i would gain by winding up boost from 10pound on a rb20det with FMIC, bov,2.5 exhaust and 2core radiator, to say 13pound?
just curious...
yeah K&H texture black. it does come in cans you can get it from repco. or i think septone does something similiar aswell. you could also try just pushing the spray cap down halfway and the paint will sort of splutter out. then give it a quick red scotch down and then paint the colour of choice. that way you keep decent adhesion
f**k yeah the gtr kit and wheels suit it to the ground aye! i love the look of your zorst too.
by the way i honestly dont know that ive seen a skyline in NZ with all the vents and tidy interior.?... hahaha
nice car mate shud be mint when its all finished up. GL!