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Everything posted by boostimports

  1. pics to boostimports@hotmail.com
  2. keen on silvia, post up the pics and specs when ya can
  3. hhhhhhhhhhmmmmm silvia sounds nice nice nice .... are u a business?
  4. amp sold, will trade for exhuast too - just not the stock exhuast
  5. how much would postage to Brisbane cost? can u approximate? or any chance u r driving down in the near future I am interested...
  6. hhhhhhmmmmmmmm .... wat did anna kournikova once said??? this link is very misleading. I was expecting something anna kournikova once said???
  7. pics to boostimports@hotmail.com thanks. or SOMEONE POST EM UP HERE!
  8. hey, i recently sold my r33 - it was wine red, and i found it pretty tricky to sell. I had quite a few people going, damn i wish it was black or white. personally i rekent black and white are the best colours and they seem to sell much easier then wine red or like grey. wat do u guys personally prefer? not just for skylines, like any imports like 180sx, r32, 300zx. WAT COLOUR DO U PREFER?
  9. I've heard many good things about this mechanic and his workshop
  10. intersted, pm me a price please
  11. they do change the stuff in QLD - not sure what though. SOMEONE CLARIFY THIS ALSO - u cant import in any more 4 door skylines ... is that true?
  12. but getting the SLU-74U - would tat be like a $3000 plate since its not the 3 word 3 letter thingy. that was what i was ambigious about. If he had to spent that much why didn he just get something like ****CAR
  13. explain this flange bit ...
  14. I'm in sunny queensland, i realise imports are a little cheaper here comparded to like melbourne - I'm basing this like on tradingpost prices. The number of imports in brisbane, especially in the sunnybank area is ridiculous, on the south side itself theres about 10 japanese performance importers. arh well ....
  15. boostimports


    i saw the www.98 on a boostcruise car cruise. The car was awesome, i spoke to his friend who is malaysian and they have just started a performance shop in Slacks Creek somewhere, i think he mention that the GTR was running G05 turbo's ( i think he said that), and his friend had a WRX (dont quote me on that) but they will both be at Jamboree. He also said something about possibly pulling a 10 sec 1/4 mile, but i was kinda dazed when i saw the size of the turbo on the www.98 and didnt pay much attnetion when he was talking. THey were young guys too, early 20's ... maybe they are REAL ASIAN RACE DRIVERS ... not just ricers
  16. I just bought a skyline today, r33 gts-t and I'm getting it complience for $3k, gets here in 30 days And i talked to the complience workshop regarding the 15 yr rule, and all it cost is $750 to for them to complience - well this was based on a r32 quote. You guys are getting quotes which are pretty high i think ...
  17. bring it to a import vehicle specialist and they can get it fully check out, like check for accident damage, stuff like that..
  18. omg ... :bahaha: i thought something like this would happen. I REALLY REALLY REALLY WANT TO KNOW WHAt turbo it is!!!!! CAn someone give me a definite answer. THE RIGHT ANSWER would be nice. :uh-huh:
  19. as title states, I'm after a GTR wing for a r33 or any aftermarket one... so yeah. i can trade some lil goodies if u want
  20. arhahahah tats funni ... but intersting. i would have so so so so much fun i reckon. lucky for u.
  21. Sold my skyline and have some little stuff for sale, some of them came with the car so I don’t know what the market rate is, and the prices is just what I want for them. So call me on 0401698552 or email Boostimports@hotmail.com and we can always negotiate a price. I’m on the south side of Brisbane btw if you want to see the parts. Pictures can be view at http://www.pbase.com/parts_for_sale/inbox Will trade for other performance parts, I'm chasing a GTR wing for a r33 or any after market wings or kits to fit a r33. Thanks Impul Racing Development Gear Knob $80 Turbo XS Type 2 BOV with adaptor off a Skyline $200 Kenwood Double Din Head unit – CD, MD and tape (requires converter for radio) $500 Steel Looking Door Guards off Skyline – Requires Stock one on top of trade $100 SPAC radiator Valve – requires stock one on top of trade $50 Manual HKS Turbo Timer – With 3 Settings of one, three and five minutes $100 PHYSIKS 300 watt amp 2 channel - Imported Amp (true power voltage) $200 Nissan Skyline R33 Series One Wing $100
  22. just wondering wat r33 stock turbos are... I've heard some ppl say t03 some one said t28 :S i have no idea. wat r theY?
  23. yeah car been sold guys. thanks anyways for the offer to help i'm gettin a new line in 30 days .. whoppie!
  24. i just sold my line ... gettin another in 30 days ... greygirl have u sold ur r32 yet? btw free bump for this n/a skyline ... AWESOME CAR and k's I believe this has genuine km's base on the awesome and excellent condition the car is in.
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