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Everything posted by Daz305

  1. how many times a week do u work out mate? and do u do that everytime you go or do u split it at all? and be sure to eat up! lol
  2. geelong is good like that lol
  3. better then no tyres lol. i have the exact same on my black r34 and they look sick! plus the importers sell them for 2 grand it thought without tyres.. so seems cheap.. the center cap i got sprayed u cant even tell also which one it was good luck with them
  4. im surprised know one has brought these yet.. if its because the center caps arent black, i got one sprayed from stock color too black when i got my rims, and it only cost $20-$25 so fair cheap... good luck with ur sale mate...
  5. haha i like how serious you are about the GEELONG THREAD!! Russ im not sure.. i have seen another grey 33 with a GTR badge on it but this is a different one....
  6. geelong football club (AFL) use BSC protein with creatine in it ive heard... and ive seen things of hawthorn football club using chains hanging on each end of the barbell when doing bench press, so that when the bar is low nearly touching ur chest alot of the chains are on the ground, but as you push it higher it lifts more chains making it heavier for the easier part of the bench press...
  7. hey guys have any of u ever tried German Volume Training (or 10 x 10 training)? this is a slightly varied version but u get the idea.. http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/sports_body_training_performance/german_volume_training or this which is apparently a more advanced version http://www.charlespoliquin.com/ArticlesMultimedia/Articles/Article/261/A_Look_Back_and_Ahead_at_German_Volume_Training.aspx if so, how did u guys find it? get good results? i have done it once before a while ago and i enjoyed it.. and me and a mate are gona try it again to see if we can get some good results..
  8. super mario 64 sold
  9. still for sale open to offers
  10. nearly sold but the guy disappeared lol, all good though so still for sale
  11. open to selling anything alone as stated above, sorry i dont check this that much. so please PM me so i see it =) will pm you dylaan just incase u dont see this..
  12. awesome, i tried these the other day i usually only do normal dead lifts but these work a treat =) cheers guys
  13. only complaint i do have about the actually is that the grips can tear and wear off... but u can just use ankle tape or better idea, tennis racquet grip tape over the top of it... R-spec sounds like an awesome set up... id love a cable crossover machine.. but no money for it.. do any of you guys have a good hamstring exercise that can be done with home equipment (barbells, dumbells, squat rack, thera bands etc)?
  14. big thick dark red stripe over the roof line from the bonnet, vielside kit? not mine but ive been seeing it around for probably 4-5 years and i think it added to the reason i brought a skyline haha
  15. open to offers on anything listed above...
  16. haha yer i can see how you could be suss about it, but i swear it works fine.. ive been using it for well over a year and the door hasnt fallen down and the chin up bar hasnt broken either.. ive done a max wide grip pull up with 32kg of weight on a belt from a dead hang, and ive done it lots of times with 20kg and its never given way... hasnt wrecked the door frame at all either.. although the grip have worn off so i just taped them back up.. it doesnt pull directly down either, it pushes sidesways into the door frame i think... hard to explain..
  17. yer it can turn out more like a chewy thick shake lol.... if u blend it longer again and vary the speeds i think u can get it fairly fine though.. either way its much quicker than actually eating them as porrige i think..
  18. same here, oats and milk nearly every day... If you have time issues in the morning heres something u can try.. put oats milk milo (even honey too if u want) in a blender and blend the shit out of it for about a minute or so.... they u can have a good breaky and just neck it before u run out the door... thats what i do most morning haha... oats keeps u feeling more "full" i think aswell... plus lots of energy for weights.... i take swisse aswell... never tried any others but..
  19. all offers considered for aftermarket mats...
  20. ive occasionally had this problem too... not often only about 3 times or so but when i have i have had a really hard time getting to sleep.. do any of u guys take creatine products much?
  21. ive heard one of the ingredients in Red Bull being bad and being banned in some contries and its not the taurine i dont think.. i got told its the longest one that start with G.. Glururonolactone...... but thats just wat i was told by a guy at the servo... so could be wrong..
  22. Genuine R34 mats sold (pending payment again) thank you. other mats still for sale!! make me an offer people
  23. Genuine r34 gtt skyline mats back up! due to previous buyer disappearing... first in best dressed. have replied to PM's
  24. Similar to my thinking... i just figured that they seem cheap enough, and they might help out my diet... which is probably pretty good actually... but know i have doubts lol Thanks heaps for the detailed replies too terry appreciate it
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