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Everything posted by Stealthed

  1. Images of Superbad come to mind....
  2. will be coming, my car is booked in at tenagah for HICAS removal and service..hopfully its done by friday!!!
  3. WGMG P plate scooter users, that dont indicate at all... they lane weave like there racing or something and sit in the right hand lane when there piece o sh1t wont go past 60km/h they fail, some lady infront of me locked up her car to stop when one decided to change lanes with no indication (probably didnt even check his mirrors)....stupid 16yos!!!
  4. http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=TBtpyeLxVkI = OVA 9000!
  5. Coat hanger? or if its to Complicated etc, Do what my Mum did to her X5....Break a small window unlock car, but then you gota get it fixed lol
  6. I kind of have the same problem excet my oil presure meter on the right Drops down really Low then my engine cuts out,Happend during idle once in 2nd up a hill and again in 2nd coming out fo a corner and theres plenty of oil..
  7. Isnt there one called MONSTER that makes your urine go funny colours?? that cant be to good..
  8. pretty sure [stealth33] Was taken when i got mine lol so i got [stealthed] because its funny on a white car I wonder if [1337] is taken haha, Just dont get any "NV" plates or "DRIFTXXX" because having drift in your number plate sounds try hard to me.
  9. ahahaha i Lol'd so hard haha Get [O R33LY]
  10. I like the interior, nicer than mine Lol
  11. I have the same problem sort of steering goes hard/ hicas light comes on - so im just scrapping it, tenagah are getting rid of it all
  12. Cruise was alright met a couple of new people and got lost Lol , Only dissapointing thing was every V8 driver was drinking and doing stupid things...but whats new.. Me and Kert were travellig in style with 2 white skylines pew pew
  13. might be coming, but its quite far south for me hmmm
  14. Haha yea i remember that and you have to kill him with the golden gun lol good ol' N64
  15. It is werid that you all had the same reaction so im just going with "cursed" lol I personally like 'Red Eye' i think its awsome if anyone has had the chance to try that
  16. I can make an entire Block of chocolate in the fridge Dissapear within the hour it went in the fridge....and know one will have any clue were it went.. hahaha
  17. Yea i thought i would maybe Remove the light and backing and clean it out/polish inside part then somehow try and reseal it, but dont realy know how.. would love a How to - on how to do this or atleast remove the headlights Cheers Benson.
  18. Going to try and come + its for Charity
  19. I opend the link and saw the one wit 3 V8's thats so funny/cool hahaha So going to see one sometime.
  20. haha dw aint never going down that road. _ Whats a Tractor Pull, is it someting to do with farm machinery ?
  21. Yep Sure is Thanks for Noticing.. lol
  22. ^ lol @ random 'Owen wilson' pic.....i swear dan i have seen you post the weirdest pics. Anyway Pic of me at a Ball in Feb, and Pic of Car i Took 20 Minuetes ago because the other car ones look crap
  23. Sounds Like fun.. Only worried about a loaded car and speed bumps.. as i think there are some at Kings park, and also possible at were there venue is If there isnt Then i may be interested
  24. Lol, thas kind of like mine atm. I will be driving and the steering is a bit resistant then hicas light comes on and become some what hard to steer lol so Im just getting the whole thing removed That way i save precious Kg's It will all be fixed soon!!!
  25. Anyone know how to fix Condensated Headlights in a R33, Pics would be helpful also Because mine are all condensated and Browny on the inside. Thanks everyone.
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