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Everything posted by Cyric

  1. cool, was down there last w/e went to portland and back for some pizza as for power, was just going to get the biggest inverter i can find, prolly close to 1000w so i can run my notebook and everything else off it.... one of my mates works for plestel and said he might be able to organise me a 350w inverter so i might go with that first and then upgrade later.... havent looked into the power specs for the box yet, you bothered to flip yours over and have a look?
  2. good idea, ill take some happy snaps and lunch and put them up
  3. hmm... i cant remember wahat its call its [something] 888..... ive got the book on my desk at home so ill let ya know 2morrow
  4. yeah cool halz, as far as getting it done, well im doing it all myself except the dash re-model bit, im not to good with injection molding + plastic welding! where bouts on the peninsula are ya, i love driving down there
  5. its a nice idea airzone, but unfortunately normal DVD drives, like those in pc's and laptops are unable to read the stupid propritery M$ format used on their game disks, which would mean i wouldnt be able to use and XBOX discs in the machine...
  6. Hi guys, gotta rip out all the audio gear from my car to make room for the xbox (oh and to pay for some of it!!!) so here's what ive got... Kenwood R705 head unit, with tuner and tape deck in it, multi control unit for cd/stacker/md/tv Kenwood D705 single cd unit and DSP, controlled by the R705 (the dsp works in conjunction with the R705 to run the whole system) Kenwood C705 10 stack cd player, controlled by the R705 And a remote which works the lot... oh and the tuners from japan so its had the frequency modulator fitted so all the AU FM stations are accessable... No idea what its worth, so the highest/only bidder wins the prize
  7. ok here is my theory.... remove the plastic skyline part and cut out the skyline lettering with a hot knife... then lie it down on some grease proof paper and fill the cutouts with clear resin... wait for that to dry and then mount a fluro tube behind it... you can then use any color celephane you like to adjust the color...
  8. hey Moschops is the skyline lit up all the time, or just when you pump the breaks? or maybe on with parkers?
  9. mounting shouldnt be a problem, ill just rip it all out of the shell and pack it in some phat foam.... good idea on the cooling tho, might even put a liquid cooler on the cpu, their only about 150 bucks for a decent one
  10. need the drive for music and stuff...... oh and when xbox 2 comes out, ill start all over again! not that you cant upgrade the ram and processor in the curernt one anyway...
  11. yepo can do, my alarm has inputs for the windows/sunroof so ill use that... and just hook up the mirrors to the central locking via a few relays... hopefully next weekend, there is too many cruises on this w/e and the car needs a wash before i do anything!!!
  12. one day nerds will inherit the earth my friend.... 10011101001010010101100010110101000011100110001
  13. exactly the hard drive and dvd drive will be in the dash behind the centre console... along with the controller ports and stuff... so there is no point leaving whats left in that hideously huge xbox case...... plus have you opened one up? there is sooo much wasted space its not funny..... and if you are really stingy on space replace the normal hard drive with a 2.5" notebook drive... or 6 if your greedy like this... http://development.e-clips.com.au/anton/xbox/
  14. yep if you get the advanced AV pack for the box you get a) digital output and B) component audio output..... so the plan is to run audio from that direct into the boot (amps!) the box will fit into the glovebox ok, but i though it would be nice to have the cd tray pop straight out of the dash, plus make it easier to plus in the controllers.... its all good fun!
  15. Hey guys... Anybody else got auto-dimming headlights? (R33 GTS-T) Basically they glow like a biach when I'm driving but when I pull up they dim... And i'm not talking about high-beam/low-beam... they actually dim down to basically parkers brightness, then go back up again when u take off... There is a switch in the centre console to turn it on and off, next to the change thingy and the snow/power button... Figure its got something to do with the speedo as it looks like the dim kicks in when the needle hits zero.... Fattdex read on j-list that its the 'polite' thing to do in Japan... anybody else got any ideas?
  16. 22 Rating 1: GTS25T R33 $1800..... with JustCars... so i just rang Famous as every1 was talking bout em to see if they could get me some spare $... 60% ncb was $2400 pfft....
  17. yeah but no xbox... plus its only $150 so who cares right?
  18. little gains!!! little gains!!!! you did read it right? did you maybe miss the bit about the xbox, in the car? with the xbox?
  19. Any last words before I start hacking up the dash? There is a place in clayton that will remodel the centre piece for approx $150 and they can get the cutouts right for the drive and all the buttons and stuff... There will be an internal mini-usb hub on a relay switched off controller port 4 that will be active when no controller is plugged in. Going to dismantle the XBox DVD remote and hard-wire it to the internal mini-usb, the big Xbox jewel (green thing) will be the receiver. The two usb ports on the right will also be connected to the hub so i can connect my digial camera and save photos and whatnot onto the hard drive... Also going to internally connect to the hub a tv/fm tuner so I dont have to pay for the stupid expensive AV unit they try to sell you with most car tv's plus then I can record my favourite programs! THe final thing plugged into the internal hub will be an 802.11 wireless adapter so I can FTP stuff to and from the car without having to burn CD's or take the hard drive out.... Oh and then there is the network connector, just in case somebody wants to hook up a notebook, or heaven forbid is crazy enough to try this themselves and then we can play network games!!! In fact everybody do this to their car, depending on the 802.11 we choose there is an approx 50m range, so we can all exchance cruise maps on the go sounds nerd alert> I do however have 2 questions... 1. Did I miss anything? (No i dont need a head unit....) 2. Are there any legal regulations regarding the placement of the hazard switch and the front-rear de-misters.... I remember when I did my driving test (oh so many years ago!) that it was a key part of the test to be able to easily identify them, which I don't see as a problem from the picture... however it cant hurt to check first...
  20. Haven't started, its this weekends project although i've complicated things by thinking about having the windows go up and the sunroof close along with the mirrors
  21. its your car man do whatever the hell you like.... if you only bought the skyline to impress ppl and you think adding neons is going to add to that then you bought the car for the wrong reason... im going to load my with neons once i get the xbox and 12" lcd installed in the dash... any1 who does't like it can walk....
  22. speak for yourself a55hat
  23. hey horus, talked to you for like 5 minutes, but it didnt click with me either! where was your name badge oh well maybe next time, the movie was pretty sweet tho
  24. Hire cars rule The thing that amazes me most is they have an inate ability to use leaded, unleaded and even diesel petrol.... now if only the car companies would catch on About a week ago I had a few mates in the car, and we were messing around with a Supra... anyhoo he reved his a bit so I gave the rental a bit of stick.... the lights changed and POW! i jamaed the foot on the floor and the rental beast took off Fattdex will back me up, the Supra had an ass of a time keeping up He finally took off on me when we hit like 150, I had to turn anyways and he was in my lane.... So I think that would prove for once and all that dispite public opinion, neon lights dont add the much needed 20kw!!! Some of us desperately need Oh and it was a V6 3.0l Auto Camry CSi...... and neon's rule
  25. These new 'fancy' sports family mobiles have got a fair bit of grunt to them. I totally wasted a Supra the other day in my rental Camry 3.0 V6.... But I wouldn't put them against a GTS-T..... you sure you weren't halucinating.....
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