Hey Guys!
This is actually the first information ive ever seen/heard of about this. I have a few questions that id love for someoen to answer
1. By the sounds of one post it seems that you have to put it though a company ?? Or can you personally get this deal of them. As i saw someone couldnt get it cause he was with a fleet ??? Sorry ive jsut never heard of **** liek this b4
2. I am 18 with a rating 6, would they still accept me ??? (Got heaps of $$$$$ though) Or would i have to put it under my pars name.
3. Are you able to pay it off before the contract finishes, eg. you get a 5g bonus, can you wack that on the total ???
4. When you get this deal are you then able to modifiy it ? Or does it have to be modified before you sign up ?
5. Is there any special place that you have to get your liner though ? or can you import it yourself, i thought you would have to purchase one though a car yard.
Thanks guys, id really appreicate if someone can inlighten me .