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Everything posted by Cam84

  1. The exaust is an exforce as far as I can tell. The cat I'm not sure of was there wheni baught it. It's definately not flame, I seen little glowing beeds in the rear view. I spose I'll keep aneye on it. Thanks for the insight guys Cam
  2. Hi guys Ok, the day seems to be getting very close very fast. Just putting the call back out there as I will need to start booking things in. Basically, I'm getting married in November, at the Sir Fransis Drake at Heatherbrae near Newcastle, looking for any GT-R as long as it's tidy. Would prefere R34 but i know there few and far between in Newcastle so any will do. Looking at 3 cars with two passangers each. There will be about 30-45mins max driving the whole day as i live local (not including your own travel time). so it's basicly pick me up at my house(Thornton) drive about 10mins, have the ceremony than drive to the local river for some shots and back again. you will get paid, but price would have to be worked out. Cheers guys Cam Cam
  3. Hi all, last night when I was driving home I came on to the highway and as I changed from 2nd to 3rd at about 6000rpm I heard abit of a pop out the exaust and notice some sparks came out, car is running fine so my question is could this be my Cat starting to fail? Any ideas? Cam
  4. Hi guys, thought I would let you know the diagnosis of my problem. Turns out it was a faulty airflow meter, yep the symptoms matched what you guys were saying about the Cas had it looked at didn't find nothing, when it did it again we put the computer on it and yay. So take note the airflow meter can cause similar issues, and after a new set of coil packs, plugs, I even got a cas. thank god we got there cam
  5. Have a cry sweet heart, it took u all of a minute to reply next time don't
  6. Hi guys, just a quick one. I've been asking around for copper plugs for my r33 gtst and I've been told in most places they can't get them, is this the case? Or do you just use falcon ones? Cheers guys Cam
  7. would love too, but Coffs is just that little bit far away now. Damn moving away. too far away to do anything. enjoy the day folks. Cam
  8. Thanks for the help guys Cheers
  9. ok, if it is the CAS will this slowly get worse? can this be easy tested to see if it is? and how much roughly to fix? at this stage with work i don't have the time to fix but need my car, if it's easy to do yourself i will do it. i drove it today for about 5mins just to see if it would go, it seems to be when it gets hot it does it cheers for the help guy Cam
  10. Hi Guys last week i noticed this for the first time, i drove from Newcastle to Port, went through some hills and my car started to splutter and loose power now this was new to me as it wasn't a missfire as such but more of a sruggle to make power then die. i have worked at Port all week and the car has been fine, not a drama. i gave it a boot afew times and nothing. Now last night i drove to Coffs and it was fine but today i was giving it a little and about 15mins latter it spluttered and died in the middle of a round a bout mind you lol. It seems to happen when the car is hot, could this be spark plugs/coil packs? at first i thought fuel pump but it's been fine all week. it's really wierd. Mods: front mount 3.5inch exaust Standard turbo Boost controller running 10psi coil packs are stock but siliconed i pulled the plugs out thisarvo and they have the usual blackness and coil packs look okay. Any ideas? Cheers Cam
  11. lol all these good rides. mine would have to be my mates R32 GT-R, with 320kw ATW. Comming from a worked Falcon (lol i know), the first time a drove it i was speachless. Pulled out of a corner hit 2nd gear at about 30km/h then put foot flat, my god this thing opened up, the arse end stepped out untill 4WD kicked in and in no time at all i was doing 180km/h, in a 50km/h mind you (quickly hit the breaks don't you worry lol). Just the pace that this thing had was awsome, Dial 8000 and drop it and it went. Can't wait to build my own Cam
  12. Spotted Bakes's OLD R34 in Toormina this morning, man that thing gives you little tingles.
  13. On the engineer side of things, i have my FMIC and exaust done also have my pod in a box. i must say, it gives me great pleasure when i see mr po po read it, the look on there faces is priceless, i had one spend atleast 30min on my car in te hope to find something lol. i'm lucky my car was engineered when i bought it, but i would pay the money if it's wasn't, it does work. But the best thing you can do, is not be a co ck head don't drift,speed or race etc the police will know that you are not a rev head (by this i mean where you live). ive had my car for a yr, got pulled over 4 time within 2 weeks, booked once for "apparently" not stopping at a stop line lol. But once they realised my car was engineered have not been check since. Money well spent i say My two coin
  14. No way, you bought it? or looking to buy? if you do buy, i have 200 cash for you to drive me to my wedding lol, Bakes was doing it, but he is now selling. would be good to see it around coffs. cheers
  15. lol cheers bud, was up there last weekend but in the daily, spotted quite a few in the bushes. good area should be great, hopefully goes well
  16. i have a set of 18x8 38 off set, Speedy Gun Metal Envy rims i would sell for 700. but not sure if they fit, never tried them. did fit my ford but not sure if the stud is the same. PM me if you would like them. Cheers
  17. Do a search champ, look up different kits and see what YOU like. it's not our car. Mix and match if you have to, my car has a mix and looks ok i spose, but it's your car. my two coin Cam
  18. Hi all Will be moving to Coffs in 2-3 weeks, just wondering if there is any work shops/mech to take my car? have some plans for this year, so will need a work shop to do some work. Cheers blokes
  19. i'll give you $1 for the 11een posts
  20. Quick question, how much was the 400R rear bar? i have veilside skirts with a 400R front bar and GTR rear pods i think they look tough, but they do hang abit low so you have to ave good gutters etc. hmmm may have to change now i'm moving to Coffs, my drive way is like heart break hill. Cam
  21. Hi Guys Just a quick one, i have a set of white faced dials for my R33. Just need to know, is it just a matter of ripping the old ones off and gluing the new ones on? or is there another way to get them off? don't wish to break anything thats all. Cheers blokes Cam
  22. Last i heard the track they were planning north of Raymond Terrace is still on the cards but being held back by land owners etc, but this isn't just a drift track was supposed to be a full blown complex.this could be the same mob trying a different location, who knows. Would be my luck i move to Coffs in afew weeks and the bastards build it after i leave Cam
  23. I also have a HDI EBC-R, i havn't had an issue with it yet. As the guys have said, more boost requires more spark etc i would change plugs and if you can't afford new coils, get some industrial grade silicone and glue them up not a total fix but will fix most probs (unless coil completely gone). Also get out on a QUIET road or more safer a dyno and get it tuned and set right, if it's boosting to 14psi when it's not ment to check all hoses at the soleniod. This was happening to me but mine hit about 16psi (Shyte), i found that one of the hoses has a slight split. If you set boost to high you may break something. (BOOM) show me the money. my two coin Cam
  24. You don't want to swap them seats for my stanard ones do you lol GL champ.
  25. I'm running a HDI EBC-R, had it in 2 weeks going fine. just running 10psi seems to hold ok. Good price too 200 for the lot Cam
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