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SupaFly Skyline

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Everything posted by SupaFly Skyline

  1. spotted an R33 whining its way up my drive way, sounded like most R33 owners Sorry Andrew, had to say it
  2. meet at the gateway for a 8ish departure? should be on the track by 930 Also, does anyone know if BP goulburn has Ultimate yet? last time i asked (6 months ago), it was in the ground waiting for the bowsers to be hooked up
  3. Spotted Terminal, well the Stagea anyway, out the front of pendo's pub about 1030 this morning, bit early to start isnt it?
  4. hey guys, just looking at the Wakefield events calandar, theres an open track day on monday 22 Aug, I know its short notice for work etc, but im planning on heading there (gotta love leisure days!) just throwing this up for anoyone that may be keen to go
  5. Ill most likely be heading down on friday arvo, returning on sunday
  6. you said V
  7. "thinking" generally means "wont", in my experience anyway...
  8. Heffernan st mitchell, just off the little roundabout, same driveway as Custom Mechanix and another mechanic
  9. Got pod filter? checked the AFM? sometimes the "oiled" pods can contminate the element in the AFM which has the same affect that you describe
  10. entered mine 3 yrs ago, was gonna enter again this year, but wont be ready now, still gonna head down for a looksee
  11. f**kers that do this should be shot on sight
  12. http://community.webshots.com/photo/412283...413128218HjHfdd
  13. mines there if you want it gus
  14. ^ Western Sydney Int. Dragway not tonight, but will be heading that way very soon, when the rod comes back
  15. nice spot, but they dont exist spotted Jayce and Erica at Pheasants nest servo on the way out of sydney, they were at a subie cruise, i was cruising with a hot rod, pure sex that car
  16. run down to your local transmission shop and ask them to borrow an input shaft to suit, if they look at you blankly, tuggeranong auto trans shop should be able to help, they helped me, 20 buck deposit was all they wanted
  17. ill take the blue one next to it thanks
  18. in an R32 RWD's only one fuse away... however i agree with Dave, tidy is fast
  19. you'll have to change your "member status" thing now Leigh, otherwise it means mine stock too!
  20. no worries, just get a lil "shirty" bout mine sorry ill stop making bad jokes now
  21. umm dont want sound like im trying to put you down, but my car was on the dyno before i "tested" the speed limiter, and it went off the clock like yours, also a mate was hitting some form of limiter that we think was speed at about 200km/h In which case i win cos its all about the driver anyway! :upurs: :upurs: :Pimp2: :Pimp2:
  22. Good idea, Dave get your car on the track!! what you got n how much?
  23. parts not showing up on time i beleive
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