OK the story is. I was pulled over TWICE for rolling down the same massive hill too fast (once without green p's). camera got me at some 50 zone .
so offenses are:
1-camera - 3
2-speeding (paid) - 3
3-speeding - 3
4-no plates - 2
Sadly all this occured within 3 weeks. Well, I've paid number 2 about 1 week ago but according to the RTA site the points have not been written on yet.
Now obviously I'm well over 7 demerit points by 4, browsing through the forums i see people in similar situation have served a 2 x 3month suspension while others have claimed they've only served 1 x 3 month suspension. Taking a guess this might have been due to a delay in processing points? Well i want some advice as if i should pay it all off asap or should wait till the "paid penalty" is cleared (points show up on site hopefully within 21 days) then pay the rest?
What a sad month this has been. There has never been any cops on that hill for the past year . Oh well i got to save a R32 by flashing him as he was obviously speeding crazy.