there needs to be more cops like this:
a few nights after getting my car back on the road (RB25 engine conversion in S13) - still yet to register the new engine with the car.. i was driving back from a cruise along morley drive... went past tuart maccas - 2 cop cars turb right and follow me, one cop car drives past me... the other sitting up my ass - here i'm thinking "fkn great... wheres the lube". i tried to turn right at a set of lights to see if they followed - and they did..
20 meters up the road he puts his lights on... i turn the car off whilst rolling so i come to a stop without the car running (exhaust was way to loud... and the Rotational Idle didnt help at all).. coppa gets out... bla bla bla pop bonnet - i did... his first words were.. quote: "Ahh its not everyday you see a RB25 in a S13 silvia"... fk!! get prepared for penetration..
he asks for permits and i say i only just got it out and i'm licensing it on monday (bullshit), he walks around the car and spots the brake conversion... FK !!!, the computer was all over the passenger floor... FK !!!!
i'm glad he didnt check the 2 bald stock tyres in the boot ..
but apart from that he just said stay honest and take the car over the pits monday to have the engine registered!!
thanks ****... no sticker :tops:
what a fkn champion! - but this cop new his shit hey.