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Everything posted by SmItLeR

  1. ok - BUMP its getting pretty close now . no one has nay links? cheers BRAD
  2. thanks for the offer ken - but i already got one here - sitting at freo atm. but what $$ would u be looking at for it? (pm me if need) cheers BRAD
  3. well i'm getting the auto cut alot cheaper because of the fact that its auto - the RB25DET is going into my silvia s13 - so i'm gonna sell off the auto and grab a manual box. Ken - hoping to get the clutch fly etc with the box - but if not i'll have to look elsewhere btw - i'm gonna pay more than 1k now as i've seen the market for these lol cheers BRAD
  4. ok - the cut i'm getting is auto i've posted in the WTB section - just asking anyone in here if they have spotted any for sale. will need pretty soon - like in a week or so as my cut gets here within this week cheers all BRAD
  5. hey guys/galz i just bought a R33 GTST cut (auto ) - so i'm searching for a manual box for it -> i'm after the RB25DET 5spd with Flywheel ALL clutch parts and also TAIL SHAFT YOKE if possible cheers all - i'm willing to grab it from over east as well (as i'm in WA) BRAD
  6. cheers zanda - help much appreciated!!
  7. how much for t3/4? thanks
  8. LOL!! - ok i've decided to not go with the purchase of the plenum as $1500 could be put to better use else where. Now all i'm searching for is 300-350 wrhp out of a RB25DET which is fitted into a S13 silvia - (to much hp will be crazy) - mods already fitted will be a Wolf 3D, 3" stainless zaust, pod (typical - lol), FMIC, and Bosch 044 pump what would the next best mod using about $1500 to get me to my goal of 300 - 350 wrhp? cheers BRAD
  9. lol - they will fit?
  10. if u go to www.silviawa.com/forums and PM Breber - he is able to obtain them from japan
  11. deleted- now u delte urs since u quoted me and ken that price i said inlcluded shipping - it was just minus tax etc cheers BRAD
  12. well hopefully i can escape the tax - the box is getting turned inside out and getting labeld "gift" i'll take the risk
  13. yeh i'll email them making sure thats the final price - btu i still not sure if its worth getting as ppl r saying its etter to spend it elsewhere on the engine
  14. o hey Ken quote from Greenline - "Hope that you had a good Christmas and New Year. Thanks for your enquiry. Pricing information as requested: TRUST Surge Tank (Intake Plenum) R33 GTSt: 78,540 yen Shipping: 14,100 yen TOTAL: 92,640 yen AU$1158 "
  15. ok - sorry about something - my RB25 will also have a Wolf 3D on it - if it makes anything easier to decide about plenum
  16. thats what i'm still trying to decide - whether its better to pay extra for cooler piping (being stock p[lenum) and puit some of the money towards other shit. but keep thinking as its going into a s13 and the stock plenum does cause some trobbles with the bonnet clearing - as the greddy plenum will sovle it i dno hey i still need some "Steering" in the right direction
  17. well basically what i'm doin is replacing the plenum on a stock as a rock RB25DET - my reasons are - because i'm putting it in a Silvia and i want the plenum to be clear of the bonnet and for cooler piping reasons - also because i "thought" it gave it a bit more power so - does the Greddy plenum give the stock RB25DET some more power - if so .. is it worth it because i can get the greddy plenum (surge tank they call it as well?) for about $1100 (about that) delivered to my door. cheers BRAD
  18. cheers bro
  19. no one? i thought this would have been the best place since it is Skylines Australia?
  20. interesting - the members on skylines australia (hence skylines) have no contacts or a what so eva of a R33 GTST front cut? BUMP
  21. thats y i want it plus for future reasons i.e power gains
  22. he must be talkking about the "homemade" custom jobs - thyey tend to lose u power rather then gain power - but yeh Paul i'm still really keen for a Greddy Plenum
  23. will u include the box? (obviously at an additional price ) if its manual
  24. cheers paul
  25. Bump - Anyone?
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