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Everything posted by redstar

  1. check out the air
  2. i especially like the R33 design (looks as though it was created after the 34 had come out however). I also like the Bentley and the crock bike!
  3. Sorry for the Cheek.... CC.... etc... Just having a laugh see previous post(s)
  4. Now forsomething a little different... An absolute minx... At least i think that is what she is wearing ! Laugh laugh. CC.... and lemonade anyone..... i need a drink to cool down!
  5. It would be interesting to see whether there would be an increase in the number of sales of caltex petrol if the pentogram (only with different coulours) were flashed up on computer screens with a period of approx 0.05 - 0.06 seconds to people at work just before they left the office! I wonder how long it is until coulours such as red and white stripes (ie a subliminal that the majority of people would correlate to KFC) are flashed at computer screens for a similar duration around lunch time to make people purchase that product and use their services?. There is seriously big money in inventing trojans and computer viruses so to speak that are implemented at certain times depnding on what the PC clock is reading. ie a billion dollar industry that goes undetected! Also a billion dollar industry in the prevention of such subliminals on PC's. TV is a little harder to stop. I have seen them disguised in when cameras flash in events such as WWF wrestling for example. R U a slave and have you been programmed unadwaredly, The majority of the masses in which these go unnoticed have... LAUGH... Im just messing. Sorry for the randomness. Chris
  6. Tim. I think canada and caltex when i see these images due to the colours and shapes (subliminal psyke). What are the first few words that come to your mind when you see these shapes? Isnt the Caltex one well thought out (pentogram)... Laugh.... Sorry for the randomness. Chris
  7. more nice rides
  8. pure dream machines
  9. 99% yes thats right, what a load of crock... Your just another hader....There are plenty of pages that are not skyline or even car related on this site.. Your a tool, who are you.... i have never heard of you before!!!! and as per a previous comment, the existing post which i have kindly pasted for people (which does not show up when you do a search for it by the way!) can not be found any more as there are most probably about 10 posts a day stacked up on top of it from when it was pasted in late 2005. What a f*@k wit you are..... go back to spreading your hate on some one else pages as i dont want to read or see your dribble especially when you dont have a clue. have a nice day!
  10. apollo, ultima (i think) and a huge ship
  11. some more interesting car pics
  12. In reply to this, why dont we delete every one elses picture threads aswell. I mean half of them are not even skyline or car related. That would make an interesting web site wouldnt it. smirk smirk
  13. this is an old advert with a graphic artists joke added in. --> subliminal in a way i guess you could say
  14. some more randoms from the net.
  15. more gumperts...
  16. A couple more pics of what would have to be the sexiest car ever made... The apollo gumpert.
  17. ok here is a close up.. just to make it clear to you..... hehehehehehehehee
  18. Here is some advertising for you... You are what the guy is gripping.... and no it is not a part of the lovely lady..... Think subliminal jokes... Can you see it....
  19. Sorry will have to find some incredibly interesting pictures of cars that you dont have such as R32's 33s and wait some of you might be able to afford a 34 so you may already have one, we will leave that one off the list... In all honesty i would have thought you would like to see some interesting pictures such as the ones shown ie pics of cars that you dont see every day. Ohh, wait i suppose you have them all sitting in your garages at home. And by the way i did not know that anyone is forcing you to stare and download every pic. And if i were a mod.... For a start i would design this web site such that you can search for words that contain less that 4 letters such as GTR for example which would probably be the most common sought after search entry if it were mad available and i would also design the website such that you can see what files/pictures you have already attached before you pressed post such that double ups of images would be prevented. And also if i was a mod i would get rid of the haters out there that dont have any thing else to do other than what i guess is become jealous and post negative hate inspired hateful comments about some body elses images and posts. Also need to get a post icon that has a tongue sticking out in a naaa nanna nnanaaa fashion just to add to posts such as this to rub it in. hahhahahah hehehehehehhee laugh laugh
  20. As per previous post if you can tell me where that is it would be much appreciated.... To help other people such that they can fix that problem. Cheers Chris
  21. If i couldnt drive i wouldnt last long either! hhahhaa and as for the previous posts... If you can tell me where the original post is such that other people who have a Vspec diff that goes into open wheel mode when hot can fix this problem (which is most annoying and prevents the car from performing properly ie sliding or coming out of corners properly at high speed) i would be very grateful. I could not find the original post anywhere. As it is, most people with that diff would find it helpful im sure. Ps and some people dont have the time to bother to search and put it in the correct section where ever that may be, plus it still can be found easily on a search!
  22. a few more random pics......
  23. Why are you writing pointless posts online and acting like a flamer.... are you a hater??? laugh laugh.. I find somne of thes pictures quite interesting... dont you....
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