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About renee_gerrard

  • Birthday 13/04/1988

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  • Gender
  • Location
    gold coast but kalggorlie
  • Interests
    ahh i would love to be able to help troubled teenagers ay

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  • Car(s)
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  1. yeh i aint the best f*kin speller in the world mate but dont say im some frikn 14 y.o on here..like i said im a worker (miner) not a frikin speller... spelling has nothing to do with my topic that ive posted on here. im just trying to get info on my car.. ye i lost my licence ( and what???) what? should i get a licence to prove that i can drive?? pay the government more money to tell me yeh sweet you can drive.. what a load of shit they get over 300 off me a week in taxes they aint getting anymore i know i can drive all the peopple that know me know i can drive.. ive been driving for 6-7 years never ever have i had a accident... i dont drive like an idiot... the point of this topic thingy once again was not about my licence its about my 20,000 car that was stolen. so if your ganna say shit about the licence jabs dont bother saying anything.. and o.k you lost your car to a unlicenced driver... so does that mean all un licenced drivers are the same? there are good drivers and bad drivers.. there are good people and bad people everybodys diff and we all have reasons why we do shit the way we do hay? so yous have lost your cars hay? so you know the feeling then yeh? well mate if you have no info on the 'where abouts' of my car dont post a comment.
  2. hay yeh sorry bout the spelling..im a worker (miner) not a speller LOL
  3. oh yeh the numer plates are 741kld but i doubt there still on...the police found my car......bonnet! at a house in southport my car has been seen in the southport area, apparently the little diks that have my car one of them goes by the name 'fonts' apparently the guy at the house has no idea how my car bonnet was at his house what a dik...im not on the coast at the moment me and my partner work in the mines in kalgoorlie but oh how i wish on the coast..nevermind im sure the cops will do a great job 'yeh riiiiight'. this guy that goes by the name font,ive heard that he and his brother stole the 32s on the coast about a year ago...anyone memba that? the black ones yeh well its them that have my car...according to a annonymous caller... oh and they have changed the apperance of my car....took my bonnet off put a black one on!! and... maybe painted it blak?? Oh mY GoSh!! and they are youngens! like 16-17 y.o.. but anyway maybe because they know the heats on them they mite do sumthing to my car now....whatever they do i hope they dont burn it...ahhh whatelse did they tell me oh yeh theres a lil crak on the passengers side window and a lil dent above the passengers back wheel..... f*kin eggs.. you know what i hope they crash..anyone thats had their car stolen from them knows the feeling cheers evrybody im off to enjoy my day off
  4. thanks so much to the people that have posted 'nice comments' there i really do appreciate evrybodys input..and to the others. if i could of got insurance i would of ay, you dont know my situation so you cant say nothing about it.. yeh ive learnd my lesson alright neary 20,000 gz down the drain so i really dont need people tellin me shit i already know. the purpose of me joining up on this is was not for people to tell me what i should of done but because evrybody knows somebody right? and maybe just maybe somebody out there has a neighbour or a friend who all of a sudden has a skyline or whatever i dunno. when i was 14 y.o i said to myself im ganna have a skyline nearly every single day and i worked very very very hard to get my car and i did i got it when i was 17.... i dont need people talking shit about me, i already been through enough shit. but thanks anyway but keep posting comments its good to see everybodys opinions...
  5. haaaay my names renee i use to have a r33 gtst maroon skylin my pride and joy got it when i was 17!im now nearly 21.. but it was stolen from me a few months ago at my old house up waaaay up on the mountains in a lil 'village' called lower beechmont out of nerang on the gold coast..our house was down a side street and we were surrounded by grannys! i have no idea why they came all the way up to my house 12.26am to steal my cAR ABsolutley gutting to hear my car driving off (loudest car up there) whille i was half asleep they must of planned it hay... anyway it didntave a alarm took that off when i first got her,no insurance eitha because i wasnt a licenced driver but still drove around! anyways it has been a long time and i have tried evrything i can to find my car and this is my last resort. if anyone knows anything about someone stealing a maroon skyline from lower beechmont MT 4 months ago please let me know or call the southport police station(even though the cops dont give two shits) thanks guys
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