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Everything posted by w34ponGT

  1. just come in your friends skyline then lol u give no f*cks? lol thats a new one i thought it was "couldnt give 2 f*cks" lmao
  2. gee and thats even cheap price
  3. i dont think anything from a vl is reliable lol
  4. yeh ive made these custom wood plank ramp but want something better, also have dinted my chassis rails from the teeth in jack which im spewin but now i put a piece of wood to spread the weight someone told me to use the tow hook but theres been mixed opinions about that
  5. edit: ohhhhh its just a wheel lifter not an actual jack dont worry then, might see if theres one to jack up a car
  6. called jack stands zoomzoom calm down its just to get the car up then sit it on stands? saves the ramp, blocks etc etc because of my sideskirts
  7. hey i made a thread about not being able to get my car up lol but then it crossed my mind to jack up from the tyre and i found this on ebay http://item.mobileweb.ebay.com.au/viewitem?itemId=110749670605&kw=110749670605 has anyone used this or similar? sounds like a great idea for jacking up low cars or even a quick oil change
  8. haha yeh good idea. and everyone get the gtrs out this time
  9. how do you help prevent swirl marks from washing and shamying?
  10. BYO food
  11. if you were in melbourne id snap it up, wont trust couriering this to melb
  12. yeh well they have concave so theyd fit the brake, just use skyline ceptors ?
  13. the solution to this is dont use ford steelies? yuk
  14. i did it before the arc forum battle in march. theres a few photos floating around i dont have a top notch camera like you though lol your photos look amazing on your thread! mmm
  15. you just sold your purple vs1 less than a year ago. now your selling this so quickly after? how have you done 16000km (servicing) if this is purely your weekend car? doesnt add up, obviously you new how practicle a gtr is in general with your other one (because there far from it)
  16. all this info is good, i never new how technical it can be..because i washed, clay bar with quick detailer, wash again with normal maguires shampoo. then cut and polish, then polish , then hand wax and came out absolute mint! so maybe it can come out even better?
  17. the flannel king size sheet sounds good. mines inside the garage but gets dusty as hell after 2 days might buy a few wheels and screw it on the roof and string and have like a window blind type cover lol
  18. wow thats come up amazing.. id be too scared to wet sand my car the te37s look 100x better best black gtr ive seen nice work
  19. the only good cut amd polish youl get for $109 is buyong the products and doing it yourself actualy no im wrong, just the buffer alone is 280 haha i love it when mates say "ohhhh my panel beater will cut n polish for 150" not knowing its just a 3m cutting compound, once over, will look good for 30 days these people are called "noobs"
  20. best thing about clay is you cant do any damage, but only thing with clay is once you drop it you got to throw it away because it sticks to the dirt, get quick detailer, and put it in a seperate bottle and dilute it 50/50 with water as no need to waste 100% quick detailer wash car, clar bar using quick detailer, then use a orbital buffer to cut,polish then finish off with a hand wax will come up a1 waxit.com has amazing products eg. poorboys
  21. your car is fcuking sex i love it!!!! sounds so sexy.. my mates said you echoed the cafe hahaha mikki!
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