I cant recommend anyone from your area, As i'm in brisbane..
But i got mine done 3 years ago. I was going to have the lazer method, Where they laser a flap of skin, do what they do to your eye, Then simply fold back the flap of shin, And you can pretty much go back to work within 2-3 days..
However.. On the day of surgery, They found some scarring on my eye, Which ment that they had to do the Blade method. This way.. They scrap away the layer of your eye, Do what they do.. Then cover it with a contact.. Which is removed after a week.
They gave me tablets and put eye drops in my eye.. And once that had set in.. It was time for my surgery.
I was awake the whole time.. Was a very weird experience, I remember them scraping my eye with the blade, And having some cold flush for 40 sec etc.. My sight would go from perfect to not being able to see anything during the surgery.
I had to put 4 lots of drops in every 5 hrs (Or vice versa) So i pretty much slept for a week and set alarms to wake up every 5 hrs . My sight went from really good, to crap then back to really good throughout the week.
They kinda had a sandy gritty feeling.. But i was never in much "pain" as such.
After a week they removed the contacts and my sight was still not 100% but came good within a day or 2.
I Was -6 in both eyes, Before my surgery. I now have 20/20 vision. And can read the smallest line on the eye charts..
I've never looked back since having laser eye surgery..
They said that i may need reading glasses when I'm older, But thats a small price to pay to have 20/20 vision and not have to worry about contacts or glasses everyday.. Like i once did...