I could change fronts with ya, but yours aren't damper adjustable or pillow topped. Mine have those brake brackets though that yours don't and I don't even need em.
Hmm found out why my rear seatbelt won't work anymore, part with the spring in it has cracked and come off. 2 door 33 seatbelt mounting points the same as 4 door? Otherwise where would I find a Klippan PDO18 seatbelt.
I think they may have different mounts as the slope of the roofline is different on a 4 door. What particular part of the mirror do you need? If you need to replace broken glass or mirror bodies themselves it may make sense to buy a set of 2 door mirrors. If they don't fit up then you should be able to swap the mounts over.
If you want one do it, my 4 door 33 is great on fuel. Not as good as some cars but still get a lot out of a tank. If you know how to fix stuff yourself or are willing to learn and you shop around parts can be had very cheap.
1. Register*
2. Same as any other unregistered car, unless of course they bring in new rules it will just be a RWC. Which means getting the vehicle up to roadworthy standard and then registration.
3. This is not relevant to the R35 section IBTL
Flip up the cap on the wiper arm, there's a bolt under there for the arm. The motor is just in under the pacel shelf in the boot, think it's a couple of bolts. Haven't removed mine but that's what I remember from looking at it.