It looks like KL0. It's stamped on your blue build plate what colour it is.
Doesn't like my catalogues either. I get a MODEL SERIES NOT FOUND in one and a CD PLAYER ERROR in the other.
How else you expect to replace the piston rings he fried?
Farken spent all afternoon getting my gearbox back in cus I was being a stubborn flamin mongrel and didn't wanna take the dump pipe off. Then had to take off my new HEL braided clutch line cus they hadn't put the threads down far enough on the hard line fitting so it was leaking . New clutch feels great though.
Ain't even cheap, brand new for $1100 from perfectrun.
3.9 is fairly tall for a Nissan RWD. R33 4 speeds run a 4.36. RC35 would be a 3.54 though. Rearend listed for 4 speed AT's comes up in parts master as. 47/12=3.916