tryed puting the boost t on through the diy it mad a pop sound and now is blowing smoke so i am now thinking that the turbo is f**ked so pissed off any ideas
Just having trouble with my boost T it will on go up to 6psi max any ideas why this is could there be a fault with the boost T where would the best place to take it and get it installed and how much they usually charge .
Does anyone now how to fix an odometer in an r33 gtst it not working, i have to go over the dickson pits tomorrow and need it fixed
please help thanks
Hay all
Just got defected because my exhaust is to loud 95.9 db and apparently the legal limit is 90 db dose any1 no where i could get a silencer from or if you have 1 for sale i could buy or if there is an easier way to pass
yeah it does it will stay there for ages then drope to half way i am parranoid that i willrun out if fuel soi fill it back is it easy to do yourself or get someone to do it