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  • Birthday 31/03/1980

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  1. I need one ....and can't find this part in North America! So please help me, if you have a used one for sale...or if you can find me a new one at Nissan, I will buy it! email me offer at: [email protected] I will pay for full shipping to Canada. Thanks !!! Robin
  2. Pal Sports R33 GTR ECU Upgraded for higher boost, program #CPN77 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...RK%3AMESSE%3AIT Will let it go for 150$
  3. I have bought a Aquamist water injedction system from http://www.aquamist.co.uk I got the 2D system http://www.aquamist.co.uk/cp/806-009/806-009.html I wanted to know who's using this on a RB...idealy a RB26DETT, I would like to know your result...and how it affect the power or knock level.
  4. What do you mean by "4) R33 GTR stock front pipes: make an offer" The dump pipe?
  5. So would you run 18 psi once in a while with a R32 GTR engine (stock except MAF, injectors, Water Injection Aquamist & exhaust)
  6. No RB26..cause it's a bit too $$$ for me right now, worst case if I blow the RB25DET in 2 years, I might put a RB26 back (I will have the trany, the mount...everything ready for it!) I had a SR20DET before(that I got from Japan...but it lasted 1 year) And all my friend swap their SR20DET once or twice a year (pushing 350 to 400HP) So I want to have something I don't swap all the time, this is why I'm puting a RB25DET in there! I expect to spend ~ 12 000 $ Can on the swap with upgrade (almost 12 000$ Aus)
  7. It wasn't too hard to install... water pump here, water reservoir there.... and almost no piping! (this change from front mount to water/air was incredible, just cause of the piping lenght, my power band changed a lot! , no more low end torque, but much more top end! I had to dial the cam gear for less overlapping, to get back some low end torque) I'm not sure, but it's almost sur that it's sold allready, I sold that: water/air intercooler 16" X 4" > water pump (5year waranty)> Water reservoir aluminium> 2 X cooler 8" X 12" for 1000$ Canadian > almost 1000$ Aus
  8. That's exactly why I asked about the flow... cause even if it can do it...it doesn't mean that it's doing efficiently. How big is the diameter of the piping on the HKS kit? and how big was the stock? I guess that you have a bit more lag with the HKS, is it noticeable?
  9. I know that it's big...but bigger doesn't always mean better... I have seen very big intercooler, done with cheap core and ugly square end tank... This is why I want to make sure of all that before I buy it, I can get one used for 500$ Can, which is very close to 500$ Aus... it seem a good price, no?
  10. Is the Skyline GTR Intercooler flow enough for 500HP application ? I need something that flow ~ 700 CFM, but I couldn't find spec for that stock Interccoler...
  11. I just read about my PWR Water/Air intercooler...my 4" core model flow only 390CFM Which is ~ 300HP so forget it, I will sell my complete kit! I will try to find a core that flow at least 700 CFM ...for my 500HP goal.
  12. The best place is Ebay.com There is a lot of these ECU for sale (at least 3 to 5 per week), some went for 38 $ US, and the last one I missed went for 43$ US... If people don't want to ship it to Australia, I could have it ship here in Canada, then ship it back to you
  13. Where can we get data sheet for that chip ? (pin out and instruction)
  14. Are the Skyline GTR intercooler really that great in term of efficiency and all that? Cause I can get a GTR R32 or 33 intercooler (not sure) for ~600$ Can (which is close to Aus $) And sell all my kit...
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