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Everything posted by sexzila

  1. Dan, there is something wrong with your jokes man Here is a joke for you. Comodore
  2. he he he hey Revn, I still can't get the image posted in my message:)
  3. Yes Dan ,same feeling here
  4. 2004
  5. MULTIPLEX "The Well Built Australian" They built 88% of the Perth city scape. Rock on Multiplex!!! Auto Salon at nw Multiplex build show room in CBD conference centre:)
  6. Ok, mus finish my assssssssignments .... Talk later Where Christmas is nice, and lap dances are half price, at the nudie bar. Where you drink down the shooters, and unwrap the hooters, at the nudie bar. Where eggnogs are plenty, and the girls all twenty, at the nudie bar.
  7. Ok,who's car is it than
  8. Dan, what ? Is there someone with the same car at=Rathyon?
  9. Optimus Prime and MegaTron Yeah:)
  10. tell you saw your car down there.not many people with your colour mags and big stickers on side of the car...........and massive wind-dam in front
  11. Hi ReVn how's it going nice avtar:) Into Transformers ha do you watch them on Saturdy mornings? ****ing great show
  12. Where Christmas is nice, and lap dances are half price, at the nudie bar. Where you drink down the shooters, and unwrap the hooters, at the nudie bar. Where eggnogs are plenty, and the girls all twenty, at the nudie bar.
  13. 1. It's okay to call hooters "knockers" and sometimes "snack trays." 2. It is wrong to be French. 3. It's okay to put all bad people in a giant meat grinder. 4. Lawyers: see rule three. 5. It is okay to drive a gas guzzler if it helps you get babes. 6. Everyone should car pool but me. 7. Bring back the word "stewardesses" 8. Synchronized Swimming is not a sport. 9. Mudwrestling is a sport.
  14. Where a buck's enough to see their stuff, at the nudie bar. Where the breasts may be fake but man do they shake, at the nudie bar. Where you swear like a sailor, and wish you could nail her, at the nudie bar. Where the cops are at the door, and there's a Kennedy on the floor, at the nudie bar.
  15. Saw your car fwe timed down in front of Rokingham Cashies...... looks batter on the road than parked on the show floor
  16. Hi Dan, how are you:)
  17. Christmas jobs for Al With twelve days till christmas, your family got for you: 12 days fruit picking, 11 off-ramp selling, 10 toilets cleaning, 9 digging graves, 8 sneaking sewers, 7 spearing rats, 6 training guard dogs, 5 giving blood! 4 crash-test dummying, 3 jobs roach-killing, 2 jobs dog catching, and one job Santaing at the mall.
  18. Twas the night before christmas, and all through the house, no food was a stirring, not even a mouse. Stockings were hung 'round dad's neck like a tie, along with a note that said "presents or die". Children were plotting all night in their beds, while the wife's constant whining was splitting his head. But daddy had money this year in the bank, then they closed up early, now dad's in the tank. ...and all of a sudden Santa appeared, a sneer on his face, booze in his beard. Santa I said as he laughed merrily, you do so much for others do something for me. Bundy he said, you only sell shoes, your son is a sneak-thief, your daughters' a flooze. Ho Ho Santa said, should I mention your wife, her hairs like an a-bomb, her nails like a knife. As he climbs up the chimney, that fat piece of dung, he mooned me two times, he stuck out his tongue. And I heard him exclaim, as he broke wind with glee: you're married with children, you'll never be free.
  19. :
  20. hmmmmmmmmmm I get that but still nor working sample me please:)
  21. Dan, its not working
  22. Ok, I wana know how to get the image inserted ina message like the dogie up there
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