hey everyone,
i'm kind of new here and was wondering if anyone would be able to help me out.
a lot of people have been having their cars impounded around the Bankstown area recently due to a helluva a lot of speeding.
as a kind of introduction, i was wondering if anyone could tell me:
-what type of car they drive
-their feelings on 'hoons'. are they making decent car lovers and drivers look bad?
-feelings on the recent street racing laws?
-are hoons just a stereotype made up by authorities?
-is anyone a reformed hoon? if thats possible
i would love to hear people's experiences for an assignment i am doing, and im not quite sure where to turn. I'd really like to hear the opinions of actual car lovers themselves, not experts but people with a genuine passion for motor sports.
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
and my dodgy little nissan cannot live up to half the awesome cars i have seen here