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    32 4door RB20
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  1. hey guys car cannot be regoed looking at selling the 32 basically looking at going back to a regoed car possibly a V8 (no holdens ha ha) so a swap might be looked at for the right car. the car has always drove nice there is a problem with it ATM pretty set its the AFM i should have that fixed in the next week or so then its in for a quick tune. the motor and car have 90.000ks, havnt done a comp test yet but it will get done befor the tune. PRICE: i am looking around $8000ono email: [email protected] (thats a zero befor the nk1) mobile: 0430 445 069 theres probly some stuff i forgot but heres whats its got. Rb20det, 5 speed VG turbs 3" turbo back, blitz centre muffler GTR cooler GTR rad cusco catch 38mm trust ext gate with side pipe though kit K&N filter custom made rb26/20 forward facing plenum with rb20 throttle body. x6 bocsh external coils DIY air diversion plate turbo smart fuel reg relocated battery in boot may have GTR injectors soon see how i go with time. kaaz 2way cusco coilovers, and pinapples GTR sway bars F&R strut braces 4 pairs of asorted wheels some with rubber. two tone paint fibre glass bonnet DIY twin 3" pipes out the rear on a nice angle. full vertex kit i think(it looks somewhat like a shruken BN kit sparco steering wheel tomei gear nob trust short shift kit the usual gauges. cheers guys hope the pics work. Reduced 91% 1600 x 1200 (633.43K)// Reduced 91% 1600 x 1200 (809.96K)// Reduced 91% 1600 x 1200 (620.82K)//
  2. Hey all. Its Adrian Lee (4MY SON) here, please come and join my family and friends to help celebrate my memorial 23rd birthday.. On SUNDAY 20TH DECEMBER 2009. The family will bring out my baby 4MY SON for this special occasion. My brother Matty and my little sister Kara, AKA (Little Ganxta),are also arranging sausage sizzler and drink for all those who attend. Therefore we are asking for a gold coin donation for the map. This cruz will start from Burswood Dome, Great Eastern Hwy near the park, meeting at 10.30am leaving around the 11.15am. Matt and Kara will be there earlier just look out for the Pink Onevia and Matt’s dardy KE 70 Corolla. Hope to see you all there bring you friends and mates all types of cars welcomed even your mums!!!!!! Please text Matt only on 0405 629 761, so as we know how much food we need to bring. Love to see all the old and new crowd come out to help celebrate my birthday.. Love always Adrian Many Thanks Heather (Adrian’s Mum)…
  3. here my 32 4door hope the pics work. will ad some better one when i get home. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/po...9724-Adgjmp.JPG http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/po...239721-Rof4.JPG http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/po...239720-Gate.JPG http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/po...26-Bayshot1.JPG
  4. Try PRO TECH on Welshpool Road there always good can mix anything and pretty cheap to for memory. there just across the road from where J shop used to be.
  5. May even be problem with the factory fuel reg that could explain the fuel usage. only take a pin hole in the Diaphragm or a split Vac hose. anyways good luck
  6. my bad
  7. Hey mate could even be the actuator if thats stuffed it will let the exausst pressure striaght out it would also explain the no power after 2500rpm probly running up shit to. check it out cheers
  8. WD 40 dosnt bother the paint it does cause problems when you want to re-paint the car you have to make sure you clean that crap of good befor or it will react with the paint and leave bloches(nothing to worry about for now) degreeser is fine aswell as long as not some industrial grade shit, i wash my 4x4 with it every time and it never bothered the paint, but it dose a good job cleaning. just dont spill brake cleaner on it and your all good
  10. Cause it defeats the purpose moving the coils out of one the hottest places on the motor plus i already have these coils and cant afford splitfires right now.
  11. hi guys, i am half way through installing some (x6) bosch coils on my rb20det, then i had to stop . does anyone have a wiring diagram for this, or anyone who can tell me how its done. my main problem being that the bosch coils have two terminals and the factory ones had three, any help would be much appreciated. cheers, kyle
  12. WA cops are useless half of them drive shit boxes them selves, and dont even no what there looking at half the time when they pull you over. they should change the laws to like TAS (my home state NO JOKES PLEASE) were the police aernt legally allowed to sticker your car, only the transport drivers can cause most of the stuff we do to our cars these days you dont need a permit for them, plus they dont take the chance sending you to the pits because they can tell you on the spot what you need done. no fees that way. but if your driving a shit box they will take your keys, but they give you a lift home instead of making you walk.
  13. white/grey smoke is = coolant blue smoke= oil black smoke= fuel you may even have a head gasket problem sorry just throwing it out there but it is a posability. check your oil and water just in case, i could be wrong. but sometimes when head gasket go they will run like shit untill there warm. could explain the white smoke out ya rear end. good luck
  14. dose the head unit turn offf with the ignition or do you have to turn the unit on manually. if you can pull the deck out and change the earth to some metal in the dash. some people will wire the earth up to an existing wire that looks like a black earth wire but turns out to be a control wire for your headlights. to check your alternater start the car and turn everything on lights(high beam) stereo, then check your volts from the alternator it should still be up around the 14v. check your battery as well that should stay firmly around 14v if the battery loses power the alterantors not doing its job and will probly need new bushes(about 12 bucks) or new module. when you say the car loses alot of power, do mean engine power or volts. cuase if its engine power it most probably because of the lack volts not being enough to supply a desent spark. so if its running of the battery it aint going to last long.
  15. so you couldnt have R33FER or KILNSPR33
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