There is definitely an epidemic of dickhead drivers on their P plates. However I'm on my p's and I'm happy to relax while I drive and just cruise at the speed limit, and im sure theres a good few others the same as myself. I suppose it's natural for young dudes to drive like idiots because its part of being a stupid, careless teenager. So its understandable, but still not an excuse. Personally i'm more worried when I see a 40 year old driving like a wanker because you would think they would know better. Having said that, there couldn't be one adult who can honestly say they didn't act stupidly at some point during their younger years.
The idea to ban p platers driving on friday and saturday nights is a bit extreme in my eyes. Not just because I am a p player myself, but because it is true that some people need to travel to work, some don't actually drive stupidly, if the law did come in, there would be a new epidemic of p platers ignoring the law and driving around anyway, and banning p platers driving on friday and saturday nights seems contradictory to the governments support of having a designated driver for your mates so they can get home safe. Its a shame the government just assumes that all young people are irresponsible. The limit on the number of passengers under 21 is probably enough p plate restriction for the time being....