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Everything posted by SmOkEuRbEsMoKeD

  1. hey would u guys be interested in doing some top speed, 0-400M, and 0-1000M times/runs? cuz i was messin around with the mazda 787B and got it to do 257.0mph.....and i got a Lotus Espirit V8-SE to do 268.6mph.......so if u guys would like to try and beat those then go for it....but fyi i havent even gotten the escudo to beat that espirit in the top speed.....i cant remember my 400 or 1000 Meter times but i will get them up here....so if u guys are interested let me know by emailing me at [email protected] or just post it here.
  2. that 180 is still very very fun to drift.....all i am saying is that the esperante is just damn fun to drift.....i know that it seems like its not possible but trsut me it is.....it gave me sall the experience i have today and made me the drifter i am right now....all i got to say is that experiment with cars that u wouldnt think of being really good drift cars........like take a italian car out there or a mercedes-benze......or if ur really gutzy.....take out a formula 1 car out there.....hey i would really be interested if u guys would want to try that out with me....hell it'll be a "project car" i mean the can haul ass and they get tire smoke fairly easy so i mean hey i think they can be drifted!
  3. dude its not very hard.....ya just have to set it up the right way and SHA-BANG u got a perfect drifting car capable of doing anything.....if i get another memory card i would be interested in mailing it to u if u feel comfortable send ur address to me!
  4. i think the best course is apricot hill......and possibly mid-field raceway.....but a really good car to use is the esperante gtr-1...this thing is a preety damn good drifter
  5. believe it or not guys my dream drift cars are the Pagani Zonda C12-S, and the Panoz Esperante GTR-1.....these cars rule at drifting......they're fast and damn good at sliding all over the track.....i would right more guys but i got to go catch my bus in 5 minutes.....so i will tell u more when i get home at about 4 o'clock.
  6. plus i just got done copying GFXman's 240sx Type X specs down and i think that i will most definetly give that car a try, but before when i tried it i couldnt get that thing to drift for the life of me....but in this case i think i will give it a few more shots to see if its the drift car you guys say it is.
  7. ok guys i found my perfect drift car.....believe it or not its the Panoz Esperante GTR-1......i know most of u guys think that i am insane or w/e but its the truth......i chucked this car at everything that i possibly could......i took it to run & setting and on every track except the dirt track i took first with it.....i even took it to the complex string and drifted EVERYTHING......i even beat my previous lap record by an amazing 44 seconds......i aint joking guys this car is somethin special.
  8. ok i tweaked out that escudo even more and i got a better drift the before.....heres what i changed....change the camber angle to 1.5 front/2.0 rear, limited slip to 20/30....20/40......20/30....change downforce to 0.45/0.90....and change the VCD to 10%
  9. also for mods buy that stage four turbo to give it that extra kick u need to send it flying it the right direction, plus drifting with a car that has 1770 horse power is just freakin cool!!!!!........and use super slicks when trying to drift cuz u need all the oversteer and slip u can get.
  10. ok maybe not an escudo.....but i did give it a try and it seemed to do alright......i know that lap times with it arent as great as with grip racing because the escudo is for all out speed.....i tried apricot hill and got a lap time of about 1:31:250.....i know i could do better with grip racing but to just get that escudo to drift felt better then actually just racing with it....i dont know if that makes any sense but when u get it to drift like i did then it seems like its more fun then just taking it out and crushing the competion to little bits......so if you guys want to try it out then go for it......heres the specs i used....Suspension- SR:5/16.8, RH:75/75, SB:1/7, SR:1/7, CA:1.0/2.0, TA:-2/2, SB:3/3.....Brakes- BB:15/20....Gears- LIT:40/30, LA:20/40, LD:40/30, Final 3.000, Auto 36......leave the gears from 1st-6th the same because this car has so much torque you dont wanna send to much through each gear (i dont know if that makes any sense but i'm just saying dont change them)....Other- DF:0.45/0.95, ASM and TCS at 1, VCD:50%........ok these are the specs i used, when trying to drift with this car use EXTREAME cuation because this thing flies outta control really easy, and the reason i set the ASM and TCS to 1 is because u almost can not turn it when trying to drift and/or just turn to get the line correct....also i wouldnt do the whole tap the trottle thing.....just enter the corner at a good speed then turn into the corner the corner and slam on the handbrake like a crazy ass mofo......if u guys can get it to drift even better then i can let me know because i think that the escudo is probubly one of the hardest drift cars to make, and thats what makes it so much fun to tweak around with and see how it goes.
  11. if we're going to do a project car what car would it be? something fast with or something somewhat slow but with superb control like a sprinter trueno. i dont know what u guys would want to use but i was thinking something like a escudo, something that nobody would ever think about drifiting......i want to make the cars that people say are impossible to drift, driftable. i want to make this project car the best drift car that any one has ever seen or heard about. can u guys help me make this possible?
  12. its basically a project that u work on and see how it goes i guess.
  13. gfxman and rezz what i mean by a project car is a car that a few people take and mess around with....like u me and rezz can take...oh lets say a supra and tweak it and see whos specs work the best.....so if u are interested just lemme know. but anywho thats what a project car is
  14. also i want to ask rezz and gfxman if u guys are interested in building a project car in GT3? if so just e-mail me at [email protected] .
  15. hey i tried a sprinter trueno gt apex (ae86) and it drifts really nice.....only downside is that it isnt very fast.....plus those specs u gave me rezz didnt really work, all the car did was just spin out....i dont know what happened but that 240sx thing just didnt have enough go for me.....can one of u try to find a fast good drifting car?
  16. yes i know that but i need a video that tells me whats happening while there drifting EX: when there drifting around the corner it would tell me whats happening like when to downshift when to brake when to give it throttle when and when not to counter steer. ya know stuff like that
  17. well guys i'm bout ready to give up.......i just cannot get it right......lets face it guys. i suck at drifting. i just dont no damn clue as what to do (hey that rhymed). rezz i really need a video thats shows what ur doing.....ya know when u go into the replay options and u can set up this thing where it shows when ur braking and accelarating and steering. if i could see something like that i think i would know what the hell to do.....but until then i just gonna stick to grip driving i think
  18. thx guys i'll get started on that car spec asap.
  19. ok......so my supra is shit right? cuz it has to much horse power. so downshift instead of upshifting. ok i got all that, but one thing i have to ask is "what do u mean by brake" is that the regular brake or the e-brake........when i try to drift i use the e-brake....but i'm trying to use the regular brake now to get the feell for it.....oh and another thing rezz.......when i drift my car goes like this...........straight, turns a little to the left/right depending on the angle of the corner, strightens out for some reason, then turns into the corner, stops sliding, gains traction, and then its over......and when its over i'm 3 quarters the way through a hairpin or a big corner........any suggestions on what the hell goes wrong? cuz i sure as hell dont!!!!! oh and for the 240zx what are the setups for it cuz i dont know what to tweak and what to tweak? thx.
  20. ok......i tried the MT and i kinda got the feeling for it.....but when trying to use it in drifting, thats where the probublems start. first off... i dont know whether to shift up or down when coming into the cornewr cuz i dont know if u want to give/take away torque....my guess is upshift so that ur rpms dont max out on u when ur in the turn. i also switched from my R32 to a Supra RZ with 1000hp. i went to fred mayer and checked out the magazines on drifting and about blew my head off with confusion.....i just cant tell what to do......so if one of u could send me a video file with "how to drift" stuff on it like a replay or something that would be most generious (i sound like a teachers pet right there..lol) of u. oh and on the video could u plz put the thing were it tells when ur accelarating and braking so i can tell what ur suppossed to do and not to do. thx
  21. well, i try and i try but right now i got crap for skillz...i'm using a r32 skyline gts....it works great for midfield raceway, but i want to take it to grand valley, but in order to go there u have to be able to do a 180 degree drift, and well i cant do that...plus, i use a automatic transmission, it works fine cuz the manual is tricky to use...so thx for the help rezz, but i ask u if u could tell me how to do the 180 slide, and do u be really specfic about it as its hard for me to understand things that are super simple. thx
  22. ok.....i need help on drifting.....i just started and i cant quite get it right. i try peoples specs, my own specs....some work, but most dont. i need help on how to do a good, long, nice looking drift. can one of u plz tell me a few tips, hints, methods, whatever on how to do some damn good drifting.
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