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gtr jet

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Everything posted by gtr jet

  1. He got it imported and converted last year.
  2. 2013
  3. 2013
  4. Dad bought a Boss 302 for this reason. Since there will be no more Falcon's, Mustang will be the new performance car and everyone will have one.
  5. If you do decide to get a boost controller, limit yourself to 10-12psi to keep it safe. Then get it tuned if you want more. This is an Auto Meter Boost Gauge.
  6. New 2015 Mustang GT350 has 500HP and is designed as a track car. Basically the Boss 302 replacement. New XR8 also has a reverse cowl out of the factory. MmmHmm.
  7. I binned my heat exchanger when I built my motor and fitted an oil cooler a couple of years ago not knowing it was needed however I haven't had an accurate oil temp gauge since then. Now I'm curious as to how long mine takes to get up to temp.
  8. The only time your tyres sequel when breaking traction is when you don't have enough power.
  9. George might be the one bloke crazy enough to do so.
  10. I think it's a bad idea if you're planning on driving on these all the time. How much power are you making and is this a daily?
  11. I doubt the 356mm D2's will fit in the 17" Simmons but the easiest thing to do before you replace your rotors and dog bones would be to find out the size of the 17" Simmons barrels. Good luck finding just dog bones and rotors, probably easier to swap the whole set.
  12. What wheels do you want to run as some 17s fit?
  13. No such thing as too much penetration...
  14. I've ran 265 ET streets on 8" rims without issue. That's only at the drags though and wouldn't drive with them on the street.
  15. 255 ET's are fine to run on GTR rim. If you're only going in a straight line then there's no harm. No idea why they're sticking out so far though.
  16. Coil packs/Harness aren't necessary unless there is something wrong with yours. No problem with refreshing the 20 year old stuff though. Gauges aren't necessary on a daily but are handy so I'd probably put them in. Converting to MAP insn't necessary but if your going to a Haltech ECU then it is worth while. You'll probably need some sort of hard pipe kit if you're getting rid of the AFM's. Stick with the radiator you have. The standard one is fine, even with mild track work. I'd be searching for vacuum leaks and other issues that are stopping the car from making boost before pulling the turbo's out as that's a very labour intensive job and probably isn't the issue. For the Hicas, I'd just throw a lock out kit in. No point in swapping sub frames. Just change out the bushes needed while you're under there.
  17. Just buy some sort of Falcon or a little hatch back depending on how big you need your daily to be and keep the 33 as a weekend car.
  18. Nah just joking. I'll eat anything and everything.
  19. ^Best scene of the whole movie right there.
  20. Can't wait to see that thing with the new aero.
  21. Hahahaha Can I upgrade to Leesh?
  22. Can't say I've met many birds that ate into the GTR. Blokes on the other hand...
  23. I've been turning back a few offers lately cos I don't want to be a karnt so I know it's there when the time comes but after that I'm sure there'll be a few blisters on the old palm.
  24. If it was simple I would have done it a while ago. It's gonna be a tough move but I know what you mean. Come at me bitches!
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