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gtr jet

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Everything posted by gtr jet

  1. I like the other ones better than the Enkies too.
  2. Pretty sure I've eaten there before. That's what I'm looking for just slighyly less dingy.
  3. Macca's and 6 pack it is.
  4. Nah I've just spent too much money recently and I'm trying to save to go to the US so I don't want to spend a $100 if I can get away with $20. Plus I'm a bit of a Jew.
  5. Haha, if I had that budget I wouldn't be sitting here typing right now.
  6. What about pubs?
  7. Still too much. I can eat at a restaurant for that. I'll be looking at $50 by the time I drink. I want sub $20 meals.
  8. Someone wanna role my guards?
  9. Seems like the best option atm.
  10. Need to eat somewhere cheap in the city Saturday night before a comedy show. Where do I go? Also want bulk beers.
  11. Mine was just some jap one that came on the car with no center muffler so I slapped one in just like the one in the pics. It's still bloody loud though.
  12. Looks just like mine which is loud as shit.
  13. You can buy ct14 from big w. It's good shit and will strip most grease/bugs/whatever off.
  14. Got any more pics of the actual rear muffler? Is it still loud with the two mufflers?
  15. I run the Hardrace ones with no issues.
  16. I had the same experience as GTSBoy with this. My car used to feel unstable when washing off a lot of speed coming up to a tight corner and the change to rose joints eliminated some of this. Then the change to new brakes completely cleared it.
  17. I thought Sandown was on the 12th?
  18. You mean suede? What do people do about padding in the center of their wheel? I always knew it it was illegal to have a non padded center. I got pulled over on Friday and got told off for it.
  19. I run rose joints in most of my arms now and didn't notice much difference in noise or harshness.
  20. I'd be backing the camber off at a minimum and see how you go from there. Maybe back the front off to around 2.5 deg and the rear back to 1 deg.
  21. Pics of seat and harness fitted?
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