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About uneekwahn

  • Birthday 31/08/1977

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  • Location
    Ocean Reef

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  • Car(s)
    96 R33 S2 Skyline Gts-t
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  1. "One day, one day some of the kids from the neighbourhood carried my mothers groceries all the way home from the store. You know why? It was outta respect".
  2. Do you do homebrew, and if so, how do you do it? I put my first homebrew batch down on the 8th of October and I'm bottling it this coming weekend. It was a Canadian Blonde (Coopers) kit and I threw in 400gm of Tassie leatherwood honey!
  3. You already gave me a thumbs up because I am a GOD!. No changing your mind!
  4. Are people still having problems with these gauges flickering on and off occasionally? Mine stopped working for a while and now they work intermittenly. From what I remember, Mao from Evo-R said to someone that the power converter in them is pretty crappy. Anyone tried to open it up and fix it?
  5. I took the "gtst25" sticker off of my boot and the S badge from the bonnet by heating them up with a hairdryer and using a credit card on the sticker and then some eucalyptus oil to get rid of the residue. To get the badge off of the bonnet, I heated it up with the hairdryer and used fishing line to dislodge the badge from the goo, heated it up more with the hair dryer and peeled it off with a credit card and again, the eucalyptus oil to remove the residue. All up it took me about 40 minutes or so (I was being cautious). Hope this helps. Regards, Jason.
  6. Whoops, accidentally deleted my own thread So yeah, basically just looking for some microbreweries in Brisbane that I can check out when I'm there from tomorrow Someone mentioned one on "Milton Road", but didn't know the name. Anyone know of this place? Thanks again, Jason.
  7. 900GB-1TB for me. That's across: 4 desktop PCs 2 laptops 1 server xbox
  8. Why isn't phonetic spelt how it sounds?! Huh? HUH?!!!
  9. I'd say that from reading what's posted here, and basing everything I'm saying purely on that alone, they didn't just "jump" your boyfriend's cousin, he probably said something or did something to aggravate them (yes, they may have said something to him, but he probably mouthed off to them). You're "getting someone to sort them out". Violence begets violence. It isn't the way to solve problems. It's a very immature and stupid comment to say in my opinion. Let the correct authorities sort the problem out. Whoop-dee-doo. Your car got a kick. Thankfully it wasn't your head. Count your lucky stars that you or your boyfriend weren't king hit, fell and cracked your head open and died. Let the police do their job. If they don't come in a reasonable amount of time, call them again, then again, then again. This is now the second time an incident has occured, so this gives the police more of a reason to ensure that they're locked up longer next time. The police can only go by what the law says, and that is why they were free on bail the next day. With an attitude like that above, there is no sympathy from me.
  10. I work for HBF and I'm insured with them, and as arkon has said, you get choice of repairer (as far as I know, I don't actually work in the car insurance side). "HBF" don't have dodgy repairers, dodgy repairers are eveywhere, you need to make sure you take it to a reputable repair business, just like you'd make sure you got your car from a reputable dealership, or your meat from a reputable butcher, not just some cheap as chips backyard jobby.
  11. thanks for the advice so far guys (and gals!) keep it all coming So far we've been thinking of the following cars: Toyota Hliux Nissan Pathfinder Nissan Patrol I've been told that Gibb River Road can be quite ... bumpy, and that you'd need something pretty decent so the wheel nuts don't vibrate off Any comments about that? I'm also contemplating getting a camper trailer (in the event I don't get something that I can sleep in) and taking that along. Anyone tried one of these out? Self contained tent/kitchen type thingy. I suppose I could just get a tent
  12. I get my long service leave in April next year, and I'm planning on taking some of it fully paid out and the remainder (probably a month to a month and a half) I'm going to go on a holiday to the kimberleys around July/August 2007. I'm going to get a 4wd (Around $10,000) and want some advice on: What sort of 4wd would be suitable for the kimberleys (I've never driven one before, or gone off-roading) and will want to do a bit of "proper" off-roading (I'm planning on doing some courses at AHG) to experience some nice gorges and other bits the "general" public wouldn't normally see. What sort of supplies should I be taking? Recovery equipment, chainsaws, jerry cans etc etc. Most of the holiday WILL be spent in tourist traps along the coast (monkey mia, broome, etc), but I will be heading inland a bit and checking out Wolfe Creek Crater and other interesting places that I don't yet know about So yeah, any advice, thoughts etc would be greatly appreciated by this 4wd n00b Thanks, Jason.
  13. Zest costs $12.50 a week or so if you go through Dan (25GTT). You can use ANY Zest club in WA and all of their facilities! I don't know if they do aqua-aerobics or Yoga though Scott, check out their website, www.zesthealthclubs.com.au Jason.
  14. I had mine taken off a year or so ago, and instead of having a new one put on so someone could rip it off again, I had it taken off and the boot smoothed so there is no lock I had it done cheaply through a mate's father-in-law, but I wouldn't think it would cost more than $300 or so (don't quote me ) Jason.
  15. Worst. Poll. Ever. Kym, you suck teh bawlz
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