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Everything posted by uneekwahn

  1. 1: Not sure 2: The second post was of a GTR one, don't know why it doesn't have a boost gauge. The first two pics were R33 GTS-t's
  2. How much are they and where can I get me one?
  3. oh well, I'll look in to it a bit more and let everyone know once I hear back from UAS. I'm off to watch South Park. L8r. Jason.
  4. As far as I know the actual gauges themselves are like, glow in the dark type material, and they can change between blue AND green, so I don't think its that easy. I was hoping I could just put them in, leave the standard globe behind them, and not connect the fancy illuminating globe thingy .. I'll have to have a good look before I go ahead and do it, cause limunated thingies are just ... wayyy too ricey for me
  5. If you email them to uq1 [at] hate-tank.NOSPAMMERSORYOUWILLDIE.net (remove the obvious) and I'll host them for you Jason.
  6. That'd be me Now, lets edit out the plate details so people don't know them
  7. Yeah, I know that Ummm, doing it probably mid january/early february, I'd rather keep my eyes out for just plain white ones Also, You're PLATENUMBER, aren't you? I'm the guy in the silver sII who you were talking to near morley the other day
  8. I believe they have some in stock. If you're interested, let me know so we can get definitive numbers for a discount. Jason.
  9. Apparently it takes about 2 and a half hours to do it .. I agree they look alright cam, but the problem is, if they illuminate, they'll probably reflect on your windscreen. I'll give Dan a call and see what he can do, but I'll still keep looking around for plain white ones that don't illuminate. Even the other guy @ Spoiler Shop said they USED to be able to get plain white ones .. Also, where were you on Friday night? Ignoring my SMS's and all! Are you cheating on me?!
  10. I will call them and find out tomorrow for you
  11. Ok, I rang Spoiler Shop, and there's good news and bad news ... Good news, they retail for $220 a set, and $345 fitted, if we can get 5 or more cars, we can get them @ $200 a set and $325 fitted. Bad news, they only have the luminous ones, such as this: http://www.uniqueautosports.com.au/priceli...s/r33gauge_.jpg Personally, I am only looking for the plain white ones that do not glow at night, but he cannot get them. I'll still check with UAS and see what they can do (obviously, they can't do the install, but it shouldn't be that hard)
  12. I'm wondering if anyone is interested in doing a group buy on the following: http://www.uniqueautosports.com.au/Images%...0dash%20R33.jpg http://www.uniqueautosports.com.au/more%20...lum%20gauge.jpg I will make some enquiries with UAS (coincidentally, thats SAU backwards - freaky!) later on in the week. The set retails for $250. Jason.
  13. What guages do you guys find useful? I currently have a boost gauge and an oil pressure gauge, both of which are obviously also standard on the dash to some degree. What other type of gauges and what reason do you have them?
  14. good to see you'll be there dan, we'll have to catch up there for sure! I'm hanging out MAJORLY to see Cypress .. they rock!
  15. what area did you get back stage passes to? if you can get to meet cypress hill, I'll give you a carton if you take me. Simple Jason.
  16. sitting on the bench next to my mobile phone where I left them
  17. just thought i'd share my experience with you all .. if you EVER think you have a bad day, think of mine today: Woke up, hung over, feeling like shit. Both the g/f and I spewed pretty much first thing. Got dressed, BIG MOTHER ****ING spider on my shorts. Killed it. Most of the day went pretty well from then on in until .. around 6pm, I thought I'd go for a bit of a spin, check out the sunset and just have a good drive. Get to the garage, no keys. Check with the g/f, she has no keys. Spend 20 minutes bitching. Spend 40 minutes trying to climb up two levels to our apartment. Spend an hour waiting for the locksmith we called. Spend 45 minutes trying to pick the front door lock. Spend 10 minutes on the complex back door lock so we can get to our apartment door lock. Neighbour yells at us, lets us in the complex back door, spend 1 minute picking apartment backdoor. EDIT: Forgot to mention, cost $140 to get him to pick the lock!
  18. anyone up for a little afternoon/evening cruise? i'm bored. denver, you can whore with me if you like.
  19. I am ! I am !
  20. adrian, you going to the oxford tonight?
  21. As a relative newcomer to the forums, I found the meeting to be quite productive. I'm quite willing to help in anyway possible to get the club off the ground so to speak. Regards, Jason.
  22. Denver, I've been able to cook for yonks. I took a course ! I make a mean chilli con carne pizza. I'll invite you round some time to check out the new pad and car. And I'll even cook.
  23. I'd say Shaftman [Remix] by Delta 9.
  24. excellent, I know what I'll be having for lunch for a week! YAY! Ta muchly. Jason. (I hope everyone liked my store bought potato salad and coleslaw! Liz's was much nicer. *drool*)
  25. Who made the yummy potato salad that was @ the AGM? Could I please get the recipe
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