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Everything posted by leech_

  1. haha Leshy you wish. It would be interesting to see how they went against each other eg braking, 1/4 mile, track, comfort etc. I would imagine the stag would win although those auto boxes are pretty bad They even have a wing like yours
  2. yea i noticed them earlier today not sure why they were removed ??? i certaintly didnt ask them to be. I guess the mods are trying to keep threads clean ???
  3. thanks shauno looking at getting a 07 turbo forester. So selling the car must be done before i can get the new car
  4. Cheers Jon appreciate the kind words it's true the car is well looked after and why does everyone tell me i drive like a grandma haha I will be getting some engine bay and interior shots on the weekend plus some more shots of it as is.
  5. SOLD was fun owning that car and i am going to miss it something shocking. Hopefully the new owner looks after it like I did. Best of luck and if you see the car getting around give the guy a wave and let me know how it's looking. It will be staying in Canberra but be turned into a northsider car
  6. Agreed was a good night, great to meet nsanity and donnan as well as seeing all the a lot of faces I have not seen in a while Snooze, Shell, Jayce and E Damn I missed all the excitement did you not tell Amaru you were going out again. You know he doesn't like that
  7. Half way to stuggle town
  8. Fi and I will try and make it down for some drinks and dinner. See you then.
  9. What the... I must have missed this part. Congrats Leshy that is unreal hope everything goes well, we will have to get in his/her ear really early to make sure he/she doesnt turn out to be another volvo driver
  10. Thanks Shell sending a pm to you Yea he was going to pay $5K over the asking price to try and get it. Luckily for us as i would have matched it again as it was still good value at that price. Leigh
  11. Thought the same thing it's a pay cut but it does not sound like hard work and I could spend more money on the house... if it was cash in hand I think I would do it but to be taxed at 50% it's like I am working back at Kingsleys when I was 16 To anyone that does not have a job this sounds like good money considering you don't need any experience. Cheers to Shell for posting it up and trying to help out the SAU community.
  12. Sorry guys but it will be rented out for a year to make the most of tax benefits. Also the bright pink bedroom might turn a few of you gay and i don't want guys hitting on my in my house
  13. Well i have come down off my high slightly still happy as so lets hope i don't get boned somwhere through the rest of the process who knows how these solicitors and banks will go...
  14. Well I just bought a house WOOHHHHHHHHHH on really short notice too noticed it this morning and signed the contract a few hours ago. I can't believe it this feels much better than when we got the apartment. House needs a fair bit of work but it's all superficial so I think we got a bargain WOHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh To all out there looking for house bargains they do come up but they are fairly rare and you have to be willing to move straight away. I had to ask to see the property this afternoon even though it was not open (he agreed) and had a look and went wow this is tops signed the contract and handed him a 5% deposit. Another guy was meant to arrive at the same time to check it out instead he arrived an hour late. He put an offer down of $5000 more but was turned down as we had already signed the contract. So my home buyer tips 1 – Have your finances in order (Deposit, pre-approval) 2 – If it does look to good to be true, make sure you read the building report/pest inspection and if it checks out move quickly as it will be sold probably within a day or two of being listed. 3 – Make sure you have already spoken to a solicitor so you know that things can be moved quickly if required (this almost caught us out) 4 – Be confident and up front with the real estate agent tell it like it is if you want it and think you may get stooged put a full price offer down and insist on transferring contracts as we only beat another couple who put an offer in first as they offered $3000 less than the asking price (what stooges) and then again as mentioned above as they arrived an hour late (missing out on a bargin because you were an hour late damn...)
  15. much better shauno i also could see that happening stupid banks
  16. below par shauno... i was waiting for the great finish and it never came...
  17. True but it would be worth it for twice the lovin & twice the income
  18. $50 what are they 15" rims ??? you can get r33 stock rims (16") with no tyres for like $100
  19. that is true dual incomes rock i worked out with the price range of the houses we are looking at basically my entire income would be gone just on the repayments so i struggle to see how a single person can buy a house unless they have a massive salary... hmmm maybe i need to get another chickie that would be 3 incomes in one house hehe
  20. Depends on the type of kit. On most you do actually have to cut a whole. I think the Trust and ARC ones you don't though... either way it is still an easy job.
  21. blue-heeler (also cjet you pipped me by like 10 seconds i did have raspberry as my post)
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