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Everything posted by leech_

  1. mmm left over The land of goat sphincter rings for breakfeast then i will be out
  2. Oh was also parked next to Sinista for an hour or so last night in Kingston good to see the beast back out and about
  3. lol it's true i still rate that big carpark as worst in Canberra people park where they want.
  4. dodgy park today by the way hehe half covering the driveway
  5. Nah it's Mick but thats ok
  6. The price is pretty good if you don't need to worry about organsing to buy it, you can get it cheaper elsewhere depends on how quickly you want it. $240 seems okish for an install hope that also includes them configuring it as well ??? ---Updated--- Nengun = AU $ 503.36 + shipping = $546.30 Greenline = AU 503.735 + Shipping = ??? But keep in mind that these ones you may also have to pay import tax etc so i would actually buy it from him unless you want to get one second hand.
  7. that sucks cejay hopefully you get it back in time. In regards to the camera's thats also bad everyone will see how bad a driver i am
  8. Yea nice work Sig lol why did you put a photo of the ugliest guy in the there
  9. Yea i got an pm/invite about it but was in Melbourne... PGA (Pulsar Group of Australia) had a meet up and a fair few guys/gals from Sydney came down.
  10. agreed we should make it more of a once a month thing then i am sure people will go that extra effort to get out there.
  11. Good points and as you said everyone has there own opinion which is good. By the sounds of it you have tried a lot more pad's than me i have only tried these ones the stock ones and some ultimates. Interesting point about them coming away from the backing plate i guess i don't drive my car hard enough around the track (only been once though). I can't argue with those facts though. i will be sticking with them though as i do a track day maybe once or twice a year and for the odd bit of hard driving i do they don't fade like ultimates and stock pads
  12. hmm well i put the RB74's in with a brand new set of slotted DBA 4000's and they squeeled pretty bad. As i mentioned they go through stages sometimes they will be quite for a month or two then they will go a week or two squeeling. Probably just been babied to much as a good hard run cleans them up and stops the noise... also i agree that they are dusty but i would disagree with them being only ok... i find that when they heat up they perform really well it does not seem to matter how much you throw at them they just bite harder.
  13. dont get RB74 pads then. They stop you very very well and sometimes they are not to noisy but for the most part they squeel
  14. Re: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...0&start=240 So that i don't screw up the thread above with spam i will spam this one. AS IF I AM A NERD, just because i whore up SAU and work in IT and look like a nerd does not mean i am a NERD... to all of you who called me a nerd... YOU ARE!!! FURTHER TO THIS wikipedia defines nerd as... Somebody who passionately pursues intellectual or esoteric knowledge or pastimes, rather than engaging in a social life, participating in organized sports, or other mainstream activities. The Merriam-Webster definition is an "unstylish, unattractive, or socially inept person; especially: one slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuits." best line ever "unstylish, unattractive, or socially inept person"
  15. lol (does that count as one word)
  16. CHEATERS!!! (damn italian's cheating in the world cup)
  17. looks like it was an ok night
  18. it's ok beau i am still at work too and will be till about 12 - 1am
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