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Everything posted by leech_

  1. Lol @ tridentt you have a valid point though Also i dont remeber seeing that when you made that post. Yea keep it locked away till the time suits you not her See i don't know where you guys are at but i was getting pestered like 6 - 12 months ago "oh you are never going to ask me" So i was like "yup with that attitude i won't because it's not going to be a surprise if you are expecting it". Well she stopped asking 6 months ago so i figured now was a good time Good luck and yea make it special.
  2. When i went from my 17" R34 GT-T ones to my 18" Volk GT-C's i noticed a fair difference as well and i dont even think the GT-C's are a light rim
  3. I will check my calander (I did one up last week because i keep forgetting when i have stuff on) to see if I am free as a backup should someone need to pull out.
  4. cheers for the support Jayce. Anyways as you mentioned lets just get back to real spotted's. I spotted a brand new mini with it's roof down in the middle that big storm on Wednesday at the airport... Quite funny seeing someone running out trying to put it up hehe
  5. We expect that from you Beau always causing trouble jesus
  6. Thanks again all. Yea Shell it put the house desposit back about a month or two but it was worth it.
  7. Bah this will get no where. you have your opinion and i have mine....
  8. Star33 we did a big cruise a while ago but that incorporated multiple clubs was a very good turn out... http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...&hl=tsunami
  9. haha cheers guys um not for a while probably October/November next year... Want to buy a house and rent it out for a year, So we can then move in just before/after the wedding if we are lucky
  10. I gave my girl an engagement ring 2 weeks ago so she got nothing for valentines day (oh yea everyone I am engaged )
  11. Ah sweet when it's back let me know As i always say fear the stockness
  12. Lol thats because I am a placid person as I said if I do something stupid I am usually the first to go ah shit I shouldnt have done that... But I don't like being labled a tool like a few of the other skyline drivers getting around when i did nothing wrong /end rant /returns to placid state again
  13. Looks good Scott next time i come around i want a look i was a rush that day i dropped the cd off hehe
  14. Pfft that sounds like me as I was in the area at about that time but it would have been 12:30 - 12:35 ish if the comments are about me you have no idea what you are talking about and you seem to have an anger problem going off at SKYLVIA for a small joke and now me over nothing... http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...608&st=306# That must have been your blue 350z parked just out the front of blockbuster I must admit it looks nice and clean except for the wheels... So in retort... A: I didn’t know accelerating a car was a problem I guess if I sit in neutral I may get to where I want to if I am on a downward hill... B: I have the factory blow off valve which vents to the exhaust making little to no noise... How it actually happened was as follows I was parked behind Blockbuster video in Kingston and for anyone who actually knows that area will know that in the middle of the day it is hard pulling out of there with very limited visibility to your right side. I had your car (350zon20's)on the left and another car on the right in the bays... which means I pretty much have to stick my nose out into traffic to even see if any cars are coming up from Wentworth avenue... There was enough of a gap to get out so I moved out. Yes I accelerated slightly more than I would normally so I didn’t cause the car coming up behind me to have to brake (which then proceeded with a head check to make sure I was clear of the car not looking around as you put it) but I would not call it hard acceleration as if I did the back of the car would have gone sideways fairly quickly. By the time I had pulled out and driving I was doing all of maybe 45 - 50km's and from memory that is a 50 or 60km zone so again... go figure So in conclusion get your facts straight before accusing people of driving like retards... If I was being stupid which everyone will admit to every now and then I would say opps yes I was driving like a dick but if you knew me the one thing I will never do is be a tool in a built up area like that was then or speed in a school zone... Have a nice day...
  15. looks nice and clean star
  16. I am going to paintball this saturday anyways for a bucks party i don't feel so pissed off anymore that i missed this one
  17. damn that 350z must have a bit of work done to be doing that well. based on that list i would be around number 19 - 20
  18. yea they look pretty sweet too. 19's mmm a little big for me but still would look good. i would imagine they would also be very $$$
  19. You know it's a dude dont you...
  20. hopefully it had what you needed on it
  21. looks good simon... i don't know about the wheels though get some GT-C's and it would look sweeet
  22. I think you mean "A Nissan wagon that that looks and drives like a Volvo"
  23. I don't like talking it up but as i said my N14 was fairly stock and clean
  24. lol snooze i like it... so true although i reckon you could almost compare alot of them to even the 1980's/early 90's
  25. Hey don't bag out SSS's jayce i loved my N14 it was awesome i should have kept it and dumped an SR20DET in it
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