Yes I know, i really hate the people that just say oh sponsor me and ill slap a sticker on my terribly presented car and end of story, give me money.
< We were sponsored by donut king last year, which is pretty hard to get as it, it also meant painting the car as thier brand imaging requires correct colours etc Normally we were required have donuts supplied to us to give out to spectators etc
Its all about investment on return, why should a company give you money in return for basically nothing?
You need to be promoting what ever it is in the most professional manner, if its a products you should be attempting to showcase them on your vehicle, display them where possible (pits etc) and have a knowledgible person there by their side (either your self or someone from the sponsor) to promote the product.
Really you should be making a HUGE push, make people realise this IS the best product and you should be buying/using it too etc
Any press statements, interviews or if lucky enough podiums you should be thanking them, saying you couldn't do it with out them etc
I don't really want to get started on proposals, but twhats already mentioned is on a wafer thin part of it.