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Everything posted by Shell

  1. yes, and one's of you
  2. the incline thing would be a good idea! It's amazing that we even have to come up with a "solution" for people to use common sense/courtesy but there ya go.. All I could think of was a "stand behind the line" type deal, but people would probably just ignore it totally agree about woolies/coles too! Take a number and GTFO!! and everyone stands right in front of the ham too... this SHITS me cos I always want ham...mmmm ham yumm....
  3. congrats on the new car! looks awesome!
  4. nah, just so everyone can communicate + just general chat... much easier & cheaper than having to get mobile numbers and be ringing each other. they're pretty good but depends... some are pretty much only "line of sight" so if it's a bigger cruise you're not going to hear everybody..
  5. yayyyyy Vic!! happy birthday!!!!!!!!!
  6. 23/11/2007
  7. What really shits me is when you go to collect your bags at the airport after a flight and everybody rushes and stands about 2cm away from the carousel thingy even though THEIR bag might actually be the last to come out. So suddenly you see your bag and have to push your way thru a tiny gap between people somewhere to haul it off the thingy before it disappears. And no one moves out of the way properly....omg they might lose their front row "spot" If everyone stood a couple of metres back and only stepped forward when their bag was actually THERE and ready to grab it would make it so much easier. They need to paint a big yellow line like at train stations
  8. I was in Brisbane last week and was driving for a while behind a Aston Martin Vantage... even had the numberplate Aston V8... and yeah its true you do see so many supercars in Sydney, must be way too many rich people up there
  9. nup not me sorry!! I drove to fyshwick in my car this arvo, but it's red
  10. OI! who said you could check out my steak!!!??? lol was good to see you again Scott
  11. well next time i'll order well done then... should be just right! we cut sik in the falcon too!!! (not really, Norm is a granny)
  12. yeah was a good night, except for my still mooing steak that was supposed to be medium carparking in cronulla on a saturday night sux!!!
  13. Shell

    Gc Indy

    I'm really sorry to hear that Col. What happened? (if you want to share) well I had a good day with Anna (msnismo) & Dave (T04GTR)...alomaholic slushies rock, and I saw boobs before I even got thru the gates LOL in Brissy till Thursday so if there's a dinner or anything let me know!
  14. hey Lee, we've got a thread already for any spotted skylines, easier to keep them all in the same place
  15. spotted a yellow R34 in Sunnybank today about 4pm... very nice
  16. Shell

    Gc Indy

    haha they did the chant thing the other year when I was there, across the balconies "BLUE TOP! BLUE TOP! BLUE TOP!" until the chick flashed (or not ) which I thought was funny until they started with PINK TOP and I realised they were all shouting at me I was so embarressed i wanted to run inside so anyway... VIP passes eh? any left for Sunday??
  17. haha did you go there too!!
  18. lol... I had to do the exact same thing, and I had to go back over pits TWICE before they were happy that it was properly removed when I was in college they sent down a cop to sit with a RADAR in the front stretch of carpark LOL! anyone who knows canberra college at Woden would know the front stretch I'm talking about... I dont think you could even hit 60kms there if you tried.
  19. hey Draen, if i lived in Sydney I'd be keen... I have my own blades and used to go a fair bit till I got lazy. I like the idea of flat smooth paths... not really into any fancy crap or tricks lol.. it's more for the fun & exercise I'm in Sydney a fair bit but stay down south and tend to get lost if I have to drive too far from there anyway good luck with it!
  20. the silver sticker is like a proper printed factory sticker with a line of Jap then underneath it has 100,000kms and more Jap... are you saying yours has like 96,842kms or something like that instead? Or do you mean there's a different handwritten sticker there?
  21. As R33Driftr said, it's to tell you when the timing belt needs changing.
  22. a bit to the left lol how u doin Andrew nice work on the article too!!
  23. haha I just got this last week with HPI... you just repeat what the guy says!! lol!! nice effort to everyone... i was keeping an eye out to see who was in it... is that Nik walking towards the camera near the beginning??
  24. it should be in a future one, not the one that came with the mag.. the Canberra thing was filmed back in May.. so it seems to take a while!
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