Brycey was the yellow stagea yours... LOVE the colour!
Well i had an awesome day... I met too many people for the first time to write them all here lol, but it was great to meet you all and put some names to some faces as it's been ages since I've been up there.
thanks SO MUCH X A BILLION to msnismo for the jacket I was not expecting the weather to be COLDER than Canberra and I dont know what I would have done without it!!!
FOOD RD/DR DOOF thanks for helping me and Jess on one of our raffle walks lol.. not that u actually did anything but you can stop whinging about not being mentioned now
and speaking of the raffle, thanks to everyone who bought tickets.... it was pretty much everyone we asked!! good to see such generosity
Thanks to Adam for EVERYTHING!! You should be very proud, the day was a huge success and it wouldnt have happened without your hard work
And lastly, the drive back to Canberra sucked arse..